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Missionary killing


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The news was strangely quiet about it except for reporting it soon after it happened, but do a search for the killing of Nancy Davis...really sad...a missionary couple I'm sure were saved and doing a good work in Mexico. Gunned down after a checkpoint. Sad.

The violence of Mexico has really been toned down with all this border mess.

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It's a dangerous world and in some areas even more dangerous for Christians.

Last week a minister in India was arrested for coming to the aid of a woman who had accepted Christ. A mob of townsfolk had gathered at her house intending to burn her house down with her inside for converting to Christianity. The police arrived, calmed the mob down and arrested the minister. The woman fled and is still in hiding.

After rough treatment, the minister was released but this Wednesday he faces charges of "forced conversion" and if found guilty could be sent to prison. He has a wife, young child and his wife is carrying another child.

Over the past year or so many in India have become alarmed because they believe too many are becoming Christians. So many areas of India have instituted laws making it illegal to "force" someone to convert. The interpretation of what is force is so loose that simply sharing the Gospel with someone can be considered force.

The main reason for the vote in Sudan for South Sudan to seceed was due to the northern Sudanese Muslims killing, raping and enslaving southern Sudanese Chritians.

While some inner city areas in America are dangerous, for the most part we pretty safe from most violence, including violence because we are Christian.

It's a shame we have such an ungodly media that hides the truth of the presucution of Christians around the world yet they will devote untold hours to nonsense, or the "hate" of some not wanting a Mosque near Ground Zero.

Thankfully, we know all who are born again in Christ, including those who were missionaries in Mexico, are escorted into the presence of Jesus by His angels.

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