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Glenn Beck's New Book Reveals He Embraces New Age Theology, Is a Knowledgeable Mormon, and a Universalist


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Actually the Mormons believes, teaches that on Jesus' Coming that He will 1st stop off at their headquarters to get the books containing all saved people, and only those whose name is in their books will enter heaven. That is anyone whose name is not in their book are forever lost.

Also this book contain the name of those who have had someone baptized for them after their death. Many of the Mormons that has a family member reject the Mormon way have been baptized in their stead after their death placing their name in the 'Great Mormon Book.'

Brother, I know what the Mormon's teach. I was baptized one when I was nine (they dunk you three times by the way since they are polytheists) and my parents (dad and stepmother) are Mormons. I've been to Joseph Smith's home he grew up in and also to the HIll Cumorah pageant. These people still consider me a Mormon just an apostate one. My stepmother even mentioned this to me the other day. I guess it's like the Church of Satan where they say "you can check out but you can never leave". In their minds anyway.

I just wanted to point out Beck's belief concerning the Constitution. I think this is the main reason he chose to become a Mormon ( I recall reading this somewhere). He sees himself as a fulfillment of the Mormon "prophecy" concerning the one who will save the Constitution. Edited by Wilchbla
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Interesting, if one really thinks about it, how Beck says we need to get back to the way America was religiously at the time of the Founders and during America's earlier years. Just as the vast majority of Christians rejected Mormonism when it first appeared, it's almost certain the Founding Fathers and those of that time would have done the same.

Listening to some of the things Beck says, one would get the impression that Mormonism and Christianity are one and the same and that America was founded upon both. However, Mormonism didn't even exist at the time of America's founding. When Mormonism was cobbled together by Joseph Smith and Company local Christians rightly regarded it as a false teaching of a false religion leading folks to hell. Mormons were pressured or literally run out of viritually every place they tried to establish themselves until they finally settled in the nearly unpopulated area of Salt Lake.

Sad to look back now and see the places where Christians once run off the false religionists being bought up by Mormons and turned into tourist attractions where Mormon revisionist history is taught.

Just another sign of what Christians once would not accept but is today not only acceptable to most Christians but even now embraced as a part of Christianity.

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Amazing what people will believe and heart breaking what they won't.

Part of this is due to the government education system (public schools) making sure no real education takes place. Unfortunately, most parents of school age children were raised in the system and don't know any better than to send their children there or work to combat the indoctrination.

Another part of the problem is pastors who fail to point out error and preach the truth in all things. Far too many pastors get their historical information from liberal controlled sources and they feed this to their congregation as if it's fact when it's not.

Most Americans have no clue about America's real history, not secular and certainly not religious! Unfortunately, most pastors are equally ignorant in this area and serve the enemy by repeating the lies they learned.

Thanks be to God He always has a remnant and there are a few good pastors out there who either keep silent on things they've not studied out themselves or they study out things thoroughly before mentioning them in their sermons and writings.
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No, like many other men, Mr. Beck is carving out of the Mormon religion that which helps him further his cause, his popularity, his position, gain a great following while enlarging his bank account, while fulfilling his lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.

And he has acquired quite a following among those who have just a bit of Bible knowledge. There is no telling what some of them would do if Mr. Beck were to ask it of them.

He is a perfect picture of a man living the American dream, and of what a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, should not be.

I feel his driving force is greed, and its the driving force of those following him.

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This is among the reasons we are told continually throughout Scripture that we are to be reading and studying the Word DAILY and meditating and talking of the Word throughout the day.

Only when we are grounded in the Word can we detect error and not be blown as with the wind being carried away by strange teachings.

It tells us much that so many professing Christians are caught up with Beck, accepting Mormonism as being Christian, are yoking themselves with homosexuals, are joining or remaining in wayward (or worse) churches such as the Episcopal, Anglican, United Methodist and others, are quick to defend false religions, and are not walking in accord with the Word of God.

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