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Anglican Church doesn't follow Scripture


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Good point, KOB. We can stand on Scripture & befriend people who don't believe exactly as we do. The British FIEC unites Bible-believing Christians & churches with a doctrinal basis that allows for some disagreement. Local churches & individual Christians can freely worship together.

Is IFB truly Independent?

Independent from what might be an additive.
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Sorry you feel that way. You will find that there are many posts of different faiths showing their error when put up against the Word of God. Perhaps God has led you to this Church so that you may see from this website the failings of the Anglican Church.

Whether your local Church is speaking the truth and is a bible preaching, bible believing church...I cannot say (unless you can post a website where it shows what they believe). But, to be part of the Anglican Church who accepts women pastors and homosexuals shows acceptance of those practices...whether your local church holds to those "standards", I do not know.

I don't understand your comment about 3 streams and then you mention communion. You do know communion (or Lord's supper) is a remembrance correct? It holds no special power in salvation or the like. Although, if you do partake of it unworthily...God might decide to make you sick or kill you.

We had this conversation awhile back but quick recap, if I attended a biblically based Catholic church that didn't believe in infant baptism, works salvation, Transubstantiation, purgatory but was still UNDER the Catholic church name...I shouldn't be attending that church because it would show acceptance of those unbiblical doctrines of the Catholic church.

Hope that makes sense. I can't tell you whether God led you to this Anglican church or not but we must always test these "feelings" we get against the Word of God. If it goes against His Word...then He is not the one telling us to go somewhere/do something/etc.

Just food for though.

As far as the women and homosexual part, that is not true. There are many different areas of ANglican. Some terriotories permit women to serve, some do not. It really depends on how the churches in the diocese voted. The church I belong to was started by former Episcolalians. They saw that the Episcopal church had drifted far away from Scripture, so they started a new church. They wanted the same worshp style with the litergy, but wanted to hold fast to Scripture. The ANglican church in Rwanda accepted in to their fellowship and planted the church here in the US to restore a committment to the BIble in the chruch. They will keep us under their leadership until the time that the Episcopal church repents of their waywardness. This church has planted about 45 or 50 more churches in the US. It is evangelical. They did an extensive study on the issue of women, and decided not to ordain women pastors in our disocese.

As far as communion, we take it every Sunday. We beleive that it does not bring salvation. We believe that baptised believers may share in the bread and wine. Be believe that it is a reminder of what Christ did for us, but that God has a way of speaking to us through the ordinance as we remember the body and blood of Christ poured out for us. It is an act of worship. The church teaches and believes that every individual must place their faith in Christ to experience salvation. There was an entire sermon on the meaning of baptism, and I visited with the pastor extensively about this one day, and they believe it is a symbol of what Christ is doing in our lives.

As far as three streams, it is a way to say that they seek to bring balance to their worship. As they prayed about how God wanted them to structure worship, they saw that some chruches emphasis the Word of God (think Bible churches), some emphasis the Spirit (think Pentacostal), and some emphasis the sacraments (think Catholic). They saw that there is a need for balance between these in the structure of worship, as all three are important. So they seek to have a worship service where the Holy Spirit is found and experienced, where the Bible is emphasised and preached, and where we take communion and remember what Christ has done for us. They have incorporated these three elements, and it really does make for a wonderful worship service where people are pouring out their hearts to God and seeking to hear God through Scripture, the Holy Spirit, as we gather at the Lord's table to remember the death and resurrection of his Son.

All I can tell you is that God is moving in this church. Since I have been there, in March of this year, three different families have been called into full time mission work and sent out by the church into the mission field, the church has sent four different teams on short term mission trips, the senior pastor voluntarly left our church because he felt the call of God to plant a new church even though he is comfortable where he was, and the congregation was excited about him going into this work, that the church is reaching out to alcholoics and they are being delivered from their addiction, that people sing with all of their hearts to worship God on Sundy mornings, that racial and social economic barriers are being torn down, etc. It is unlike anything I have ever seen, and God is OBviously at work.
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The reason there are Independent churches is so they are not yoked with denominations who don't follow the Word of God.

It's correct that a church name means little in itself, but if that church names means they are yoked with unbiblical practices, and unbiblical denomination, then that church is not truly following Christ regardless of the name.

Anglican, Episcopal, United Methodist, and many others have decided to reject clear biblical teachings and doctrine in favor of man--made forms of religion. Scripture is clear that Christians are to separate from such regardless of the name of the church.

IFB is not a denomination. Each church is independent unto God and themselves, they are not tied to any denominational church. For the record, I'm not currently a member of an IFB church but I am a member of an Independent church.

If a church which is yoked to that which is unbiblical is truly following Christ, it would show by them unyoking themselves from the wickedness whether they be Anglican, Episcopal, United Methodist, or any other church.

As Dennis has so correctly posted, by being a member of an Anglican church, one is yoked to the wickedness and unbiblcal aspcts of Anglicanism. This is not following or honouring Christ.

We may not always like following Scripture, or prefer to do things another way, or not like that God has specific commands He expects us to OBey, but if we are truly going to follow Christ that means we make Him Lord of our whole life and we OBey His Word, nothing else.

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We may not always like following Scripture, or prefer to do things another way, or not like that God has specific commands He expects us to OBey, but if we are truly going to follow Christ that means we make Him Lord of our whole life and we OBey His Word, nothing else.

The Anglican church has many branches which really are in opposition to each other. There are the Anglo Catholics and High Church who will have masses and confessions. There are the various middle of the road Anglicans who pprOBably do not know what they believe and there are Evangelical Anglicans, some of whom practice adult baptism. I went to one where children were dedicated, not baptised, and there are some where the Word of God is preached. I know one man who was a Baptist missionary in central London, founding a church in the main red light area. When he retired he had not resources, so relied on someone donating an apartment. There was only one church in the area that preached the Word of God and that was Anglican so he went there. I know of several others in similar situations.

As for Baptist Churches, I went to a child dedication service in one where the minister preached as if all were Christians, even though many family members were not. Another Baptist minister OBviously believed in transubstantiation and when my wife said she did not realise that Baptists believed that, he said, "You live and learn."
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The Anglican church has many branches which really are in opposition to each other. There are the Anglo Catholics and High Church who will have masses and confessions. There are the various middle of the road Anglicans who pprOBably do not know what they believe and there are Evangelical Anglicans, some of whom practice adult baptism. I went to one where children were dedicated, not baptised, and there are some where the Word of God is preached. I know one man who was a Baptist missionary in central London, founding a church in the main red light area. When he retired he had not resources, so relied on someone donating an apartment. There was only one church in the area that preached the Word of God and that was Anglican so he went there. I know of several others in similar situations.

As for Baptist Churches, I went to a child dedication service in one where the minister preached as if all were Christians, even though many family members were not. Another Baptist minister OBviously believed in transubstantiation and when my wife said she did not realise that Baptists believed that, he said, "You live and learn."

One must be alert and aware when looking for a church home. While certain church names should let someone know to avoid them, for others even if the church carries a potentially good name, the individual church needs to be checked carefully.

The last time we looked for a new church home I began with IFB churches. Unfortunately, none of the IFB churches within this area hold to what might be called traditional IFB doctrine and standards. Next I checked all other Baptist churches but they were even worse. I then began looking into the various non-denominational churches. Most were of the modern version and either very watered down or even wayward, but I finally found one that was established as an independent, non-denominational church in the 1800s and many called that church conservative or fundamental. I got hold of everything I could read from that church, from sermons to a few other things the pastor had wrote. It was evident the pastor was a born again believer in Christ and that he preached the Word. We made a visit to the church and have now been there several years.
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I have just started reading John Wesley's Journal (again) and I did not remember that although he baptised babies, he did that by full immersion and not sprinking, except in when, for instance, they were on board ship. He once refused to baptise a child as the parents would not accept immersiom. Wesley remained an anglican all his life.

Edited by Invicta
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I have just started reading John Wesley's Journal (again) and I did not remember that although he baptised babies, he did that by full immersion and not sprinking, except in when, for instance, they were on board ship. He once refused to baptise a child as the parents would not accept sprinkling. Wesley remained an anglican all his life.

Wesley was a contradiction, which might help explain why Methodism has such an uneven history and why most are so wayward today.
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Jesus asked whether He would find faith on earth when He returns.

This means far more than someone saying they believe in God, or even the faith that saves. This points to faith that loves Christ and lives his life in accord with the commands of Christ.

Will we be found upon His return pursuing holiness, placing Christ above ourselves, walking in OBedience to His Word? Will Christ find us separated unto Him, a member of a church separated unto Him, not yoked with wickedness and unbiblcal doctrines, or will Christ find us as a member of an unseparated church, yoked to wickedness and unbiblical doctrines?

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