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When I was young no one around these parts accept them as Christian, yet that has changed, seems most will accept someone as Christian no matter what they believe. And without checking out their beliefs. Them is you refer to them as fasles teachers your not of God.

So many people think they are "Christian" because their parents took them to church growing up now and then... that because they know of Jesus and God and believe some things in the bible they are Christian.
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Part of the prOBlem is the modern secular school system, both public and college level. Most were once run by Christians who taught the truth of Christianity. Today they are not. Children and young folks learn of all the evils of Christianity in the schools today because they are taught about the Crusades, the Inquisition, and other things the Catholic church carried out which were wicked. The students are taught these were Christian events. They are not taught they were actually Catholic and that Catholics and Christians are not the same.

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