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  1. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Miss Daisy in Pet Peeves   
    My pastor will not stand for any distractions in the service, if the parent does not control the child, he will very publicly from the pulpit.  This goes for adults to, though not directly to them from the pulpit, but generically he will ask for "distractions" to cease.  If you are rattling candy paper, passing notes to others, leaving the service for the restroom often (especially during invitation), or clipping your nails (it actually happened) during service he will say something.  Our pastor is very particular about the sanctuary as well.  There is no eating or drinking allowed in it (breath mint, or unwrapped candy to help stay alert excepted), and children absolutely are forbidden from playing at/on the altar before and after service.  I am blessed with arguably the best marriage and family pastor in the U.S. (he has been our pastor for 20 years now), He is the keynote speaker nationwide often at marriage and family retreats.  Because of the fabulous parenting messages we get from him, our church parents are turning out incredible kids.  Our small church has not failed to come in first place out of 30+ churches at bible camp competions for the last 14 years now.  
    Bro. Garry
  2. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from trapperhoney in Pet Peeves   
    Oh, and make sure before you get your puppy that your car has a pupholder.

  3. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Genevanpreacher in Star Wars Or Star Trek?   
    "Fry" them up?!  I simply must break you sad people from your insistance on ruining good food by "frying" everything!  There is only one good use for a frying pan and that was demonstrated in the movie "Tangled". 
  4. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from 1Timothy115 in Star Wars Or Star Trek?   
    Star Trek for sure.
    I don't like the concept of "using the force" by corraling the natural forces of nature surrounding us (sounds to much like what the wiccan believe) to battle an evil being/system, as in Star Wars.  Even in the Star Wars movie one of the emperors officers lashed out and mocked Darth Vader's "sad devotion to that ancient religion" (Darth Vader used the "force" to strangle him, after saying he found his "lack of faith disturbing", until he was commanded to "release him")
    Star Trek uses advanced technology and an usually solid moral compass to overcome encounters with other worlds or beings.  Even the beings are often not portrayed as inherently evil, but simply alien and naturally defending our intrusion into their world and culture, or they are simply "criminal" individuals.  
    I do like bunnies though..especially fricasseed or braised, or an excellent Hosenpfeffer (rabbit stew).  
    Bro.  Garry
  5. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from trapperhoney in Star Wars Or Star Trek?   
    "Fry" them up?!  I simply must break you sad people from your insistance on ruining good food by "frying" everything!  There is only one good use for a frying pan and that was demonstrated in the movie "Tangled". 
  6. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from trapperhoney in Star Wars Or Star Trek?   
    Star Trek for sure.
    I don't like the concept of "using the force" by corraling the natural forces of nature surrounding us (sounds to much like what the wiccan believe) to battle an evil being/system, as in Star Wars.  Even in the Star Wars movie one of the emperors officers lashed out and mocked Darth Vader's "sad devotion to that ancient religion" (Darth Vader used the "force" to strangle him, after saying he found his "lack of faith disturbing", until he was commanded to "release him")
    Star Trek uses advanced technology and an usually solid moral compass to overcome encounters with other worlds or beings.  Even the beings are often not portrayed as inherently evil, but simply alien and naturally defending our intrusion into their world and culture, or they are simply "criminal" individuals.  
    I do like bunnies though..especially fricasseed or braised, or an excellent Hosenpfeffer (rabbit stew).  
    Bro.  Garry
  7. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to paid4 in Star Wars Or Star Trek?   
    I used to like star wars until I was looking in the mirror the other day and realized that my wife is in love with Chewbacca.
    I guess if I was a foot shorter that she would be in love with an Ewok. Anyway, I don't like the temptation it brings before my wife.
  8. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Genevanpreacher in Star Wars Or Star Trek?   
    Star Trek for sure.
    I don't like the concept of "using the force" by corraling the natural forces of nature surrounding us (sounds to much like what the wiccan believe) to battle an evil being/system, as in Star Wars.  Even in the Star Wars movie one of the emperors officers lashed out and mocked Darth Vader's "sad devotion to that ancient religion" (Darth Vader used the "force" to strangle him, after saying he found his "lack of faith disturbing", until he was commanded to "release him")
    Star Trek uses advanced technology and an usually solid moral compass to overcome encounters with other worlds or beings.  Even the beings are often not portrayed as inherently evil, but simply alien and naturally defending our intrusion into their world and culture, or they are simply "criminal" individuals.  
    I do like bunnies though..especially fricasseed or braised, or an excellent Hosenpfeffer (rabbit stew).  
    Bro.  Garry
  9. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to John81 in Questions Only   
    Can we all agree Jesus' return is closer now than when we first believed?
  10. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban Rosie for not wishing her eyes were wide open..
    Psalm 119:18 (KJV)
    18  Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. 
  11. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban Rosie for accusing NN of cursing and deceit and fraud and mischief and vanity, because his mouth is full...
    Psalm 10:7 (KJV)
    7  His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. 
  12. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from DaveW in Last one to post in this thread wins   
    You can start an all out bar room brawl if you ask a room full of Aussies if these should be very crispy or soft and chewy.  Adjust cooking time to your taste...I prefer them softer.  I also prefer to use toasted coconut, and I use 1/2 cup of white sugar, and 1/2 cup brown sugar instead of 1 C of brown.
    These were made by the wives to send as care packages to the ANZAC troops serving in Gallipoli during WW I.  Popular because they could be made without eggs (restricted because of war time rationing) and did not spoil easily and could be transported by sea well.  
    ANZAC Biscuits
    1 cup quick cooking oats
    1 cup all-purpose flour
    1 cup dry unsweetened shredded coconut
    1 cup brown sugar
    2 teaspoons ground ginger
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
    2 tablespoons boiling water
    1/2 cup butter
    1 tablespoon golden syrup
      Check All Add to Shopping List   PREP
    15 mins COOK
    15 mins READY IN
    30 mins Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease 2 baking sheets. Mix quick oats, flour, coconut, brown sugar, and ginger in a bowl. With your fingers, make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. Dissolve the baking soda in boiling water. In a small saucepan, melt the butter, and stir in the golden syrup to combine. Pour in the dissolved baking soda, and pour the mixture into the well in the dry ingredients. Stir lightly until just combined; drop by rounded tablespoon about 2 inches apart onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake in the preheated oven until the cookies are golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes.
  13. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from woolysheep in Pet Peeves   
    Oh, and make sure before you get your puppy that your car has a pupholder.

  14. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Miss Daisy in Pet Peeves   
    Pet peeve:  Chain letter/posts!  If you agree forward this to your 10 closest friends and you will receive riches beyond imagination or damnation beyond endurance if you don't...  
  15. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Miss Daisy in Pet Peeves   
    Pet peeve:  Parents who exercise no control over their children in a restaurant, they let them turn around in their booth and stare at you or start conversations with you, or even (I kid you not, it happened) let their children roam from table to table and eat things off of other peoples table!  
  16. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban Rosie for refusing to ban someone (even me), according to scriptures...
    1 Corinthians 5:2 (KJV)
    2  And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. 
    Paul in response to the Corinthian church for not banning a person in an incestuous relationship with his father's wife.
  17. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Having a fellowship after evening service tonight at church!  Can't beat a Baptist Pot Luck dinner!  Will be feasting like a king tonight! 
  18. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to John81 in Pet Peeves   
    Women wearing WAAAAAAAAAAY too much perfume.
    (most of them are older women who don't do so on purpose, they just can't smell it until they are drenched in it)
    I've literally had my eyes start watering and my throat burn a few times from being in a confined area with such.
  19. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban NN for not allowing me to boast in God...
    Psalm 44:8 (KJV)
    8  In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah. 
    In all seriousness though, you were right in rebuking me, that did come off as boastful in my ban of WW.  Please forgive me, if I offended anyone.
  20. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to weary warrior in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban 2b for not realizing the only rib in scripture went into woman and turned into a wife!
  21. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban NN for not wanting me to use the Bible as it was designed...
    2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
    16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
  22. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban Rosie because:
    Matthew 5:22 (KJV)
    22a  But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:
  23. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban NN for wishing Hell and Destruction on John according to the scriptures:
    Proverbs 27:20 (KJV)
    20  Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied. 
  24. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Whats for Supper...   
    Wonderful...thanks a lot guys.  My 12 yr old grandson just saw all the "ice cream" talk on this thread, and two other threads and then I get hauled off to Cold Stone Creamery for the entire family.  I'm really trying to save money for a big camping trip with my daughter, son-in-law, 2 grandsons, and grandaughter this Thur-Sun and that just set me back $44.  
  25. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from EKSmith in Pet Peeves   
    Well HC, if you do indeed get your wish and get a beagle pup, Liberty is the perfect name for it.  Beagles are hounds and LOVE to run, and will ALWAYS be seeking Liberty to go on the hunt.  You will have to watch him/her like a hawk or you will be running up and down your neighborhood continually trying to coral your dog again.  Speaking from experience...
    Bro. Garry
    Pet peeve:  People who come to a complete stop before turning off a road into a driveway or parking lot and then proceed at like 1/2 mile per hour as if the g forces from the turn will cause their brains to roll out of their heads...on second thought...maybe it would.
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