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Weights in light of Hebrews 12:1


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Just been thinking about Hebrews 12:1-2 lately with something in my life right now. Something that is not a sin, but is a weight that has been making it difficult for me to run the race as i ought to. A little off subject sorta, but just wondering: what would yall do if someone was visiting your house, and their routine was so intrusive into your life that it effected your prayer-Bible study reading? I'm kind of at a loss for what to do...I've tried getting up early, but they get up super early since they're on California time..and staying up late just leaves me exhausted since I'm getting up early. They're here all day long, and I can't find time to get away. hmmm just wondering what yall would do..

and to broaden the subject a little bit...what are some weights that are/have burdened you, and how did you find a way to lay them aside, or overcome them?

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oy sorry to confuse ya...haha they stay up late cause of the California time, and yet still get up super early with the kids. So since they were up late and I couldn't read...I tried getting up early. well they're up early too with the baby so oy...its like i just can't find any time alone...ya know what i mean?

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i would, but its just that my parents expect me to be home with our guests like alllll the time. maybe i just need to talk to my mom about it...like ahhhhhhhhh! i need to be by myself for a while! :P sorry to vent here. i'm just feeling spiritually worn out, and i know its effecting me in other aspects of my life of course.

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I would recommend firstly speaking to your mom about it. If that doesn't solve it, deliberately get up in the morning and do your routine stuff (shower, getting dressed, etc) and then sit somewhere where you can read your Bible. Hopefully the person would have enough respect to leave you alone when you're obviously reading your Bible.

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