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Geneva Bible

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I am a member of the American Family Association. They advertise the Geneva Bible at low cost. I believe the website is http://www.AFA.org...or do a search. I do not have a Geneva Bible, b/c I am sticking with my "trusty" ole' KJV 1611 AV. Thanks. :smile Besides, for us Baptists...the Puritans couldn't stand us, and wanted to keep freedom of religion from America...thus, bringing in the church of England to this country. Just a thought to ponder on the Geneva Bible is all.


P.S. ~ If it wasn't for the Baptists we wouldn't have freedom of religion in America.

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P.S. ~ If it wasn't for the Baptists we wouldn't have freedom of religion in America.

Actually, James Madison, who was responsible for authoring much of the constitution and the first amendment, grew up in the Church of England and helped draft the Declaration of Religious Freedom in Virginia.
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P.S. ~ If it wasn't for the Baptists we wouldn't have freedom of religion in America.

The vast majority of our founding fathers were either Anglicans or Diest. The declaration of independance is filled with Anglican thought. And remember, the Pilgirms came here for freedom of religion, our founding fathers brought the Church of England with them. They are two compeletly different sets of people. The governments of the U.S., Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, South Africa, Uganda, Sierra Leone, and all the other former British colonies, are based on Anglican thought, which, despite whatever preconcieved notions you may have, is not a bad thing.
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There is much in Anglicanism that is not from the Word of God - so inasmuch as it is not, it IS a bad thing. Especially where it has gone today (though it was never sound to begin with, as it was an offshoot of the RC religion).

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There is much in Anglicanism that is not from the Word of God - so inasmuch as it is not' date=' it IS a bad thing. Especially where it has gone today (though it was never sound to begin with, as it was an offshoot of the RC religion).[/quote']

Jerry, I'll admit that nothing is perfect. We can only try and try again. You really shouldn't say "where it has gone today" without explaining what "it" is. The Anglican church is not like the church of rome. There is no supreme head that controls the rest of the body. Much like the IFB Church, each individual parish makes its own decisions independant of what other parishes might do or think. Just because a few Dioceses in North America have chosen to go astray, does not mean that the over 68 million other Anglicans have. It would be like me saying that the Baptist church is not from the word of God, basing that statement solely on what I see Westboro Baptist Church doing on television. It's not fair, and it's far from the truth.
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[quote="kevinmiller"][quote]P.S. ~ If it wasn't for the Baptists we wouldn't have freedom of religion in America.[/quote]
Actually, James Madison, who was responsible for authoring much of the constitution and the first amendment, grew up in the Church of England and helped draft the Declaration of Religious Freedom in Virginia.[/quote]

James Madison got the credit for it. A man by the name of Isaac Backus was the PROMOTOR of separation of church and state in this country. Another man by the name of John Leland wrote the BILL OF RIGHTS and religious freedom. James Madison was a friend of John Leland. Patrick Henry (a brillaint lawyer) helped the Baptists. President George Washington converted, and became a Baptist...along w/ his wife Martha. Martha started off every morning in 2 hours of prayer and daily devotions for our country.

Prior to all of this, though...a man by the name of Obadiah Holmes (who was the first president of Harvard University) stood up and professed to the Puritan Church...why he wasn't going to have his baby baptized. Also, note that...Isaac Backus' mother was a great lady who was jailed for her Baptist beliefs. She said it was "miserable and glorious"(This reminds me of the early saints). After 1800 the country dropped church and state w/ regards to the Puritan Church. The state of VIrginia was the only state left at that time...w/ answering to the Church of England.

I have stated this before..."The Salem Witch Trials" were the beginning of "speaking in tongues" in this country. As IFB's we know that speaking in tongues ENDED in the book of Acts with the Apostles. Again, I will stay with my KJV 1611 AV Bible...it hasn't let me down yet. :smile The Puritans wanted the Baptists destroyed b/c the Baptists fought wholeheartedly for "Separation of Church and State" in America. And, that is fact...not fiction!


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candlelight: Do you have any citations for your statements that George (who was a vestryman at his parish at the time of his death) and Martha Washington "converted" from Anglicanism? Or that the president of a puritan college publically stated that he wouldn't baptize his baby?

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[quote="ptwild"]candlelight: Do you have any citations for your statements that George (who was a vestryman at his parish at the time of his death) and Martha Washington "converted" from Anglicanism? Or that the president of a puritan college publically stated that he wouldn't baptize his baby?[/quote]

ptwild...It should be in this preaching on Baptist history. I was saved on May 9, 2003 after this evangelist preached Baptist history in my old IFB church. His name is Bro. Bruce Musselman (Musselman Applesauce - although he is very humble...about everything in his life). Bro. Bruce is originally from Allentown, PA. He comes from a long line of IFB's...his dad was an IFB preacher. Bro. Bruce was saved at the age of 3 1/2. His asked his mom to take him to the alter at the time of invitation. He was baptized in Lake Erie...and, is in his mid to late 60's.

Anyway, he has a radio program in Cleveland, OH on A.M. radio. We call him "The Walking Book". He also teaches at Cleveland Baptist - Heritage Baptist Institute. And, he is a traveling evangelist. Below is the website for my church http://www.CRBC-online.org ...go to on-line preaching (Wednesday Night - Baptist History...6 nights). My assistant pastor updates the site daily...so tomorrow it may be gone. It is very accurate...trust me on this. :thumb Bro. Bruce knows his Bible, and history. God bless you!


P.S. ~ I am a skeptic by nature...it took from 1998 - 2003 for the truth to sink in. This man "sealed the deal" with my salvation. I question everything...except Jesus Christ, now. :Bible:

Oh...Have you read the book "America's God and Country"? I believe that George Washington is sited as a Baptist along with his wife Martha in that book. And, I will find out many other sources if you care to know.

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candlelight: I listened to Mr. Musselman's series on Baptist history sometime last week when you posted it in another thread. He has some interesting claims. I wish he would have provided some citations for varification purposes. Do you by chance know any of his citations? And no, I have never heard of the book you mentioned, though I'll try to find it.

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[quote="ptwild"]candlelight: I listened to Mr. Musselman's series on Baptist history sometime last week when you posted it in another thread. He has some interesting claims. I wish he would have provided some citations for varification purposes. Do you by chance know any of his citations? And no, I have never heard of the book you mentioned, though I'll try to find it.[/quote]

Bro. Bruce does have MANY citations. He carries them whenever, and wherever he preaches. He just started to attend my church recently...although, he is on the circuit some Sundays and Wednesdays. I will ask him for his sources. He is most happy to share what he has in his extensive library. He is a Historian...and, believe me...he can answer everything when challenged. I will get the information for you. I should see him on Sunday. He is in my SS class as well - The Pastor's Class.

"America's God and Country" is by William J. Feterer. You can get it in either hardback or a soft copy. Another book is called: "The Baptist's in America". Have you heard of that one? I have to look for the author. And, I am sure you have heard of "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan? I love history...this is why I needed proof with becoming an IFB. Especially, since all I knew was the RCC. I had faith, but it bloomed to full measure when I would sit with Bro. Bruce and others after church services and pick his brain in the local diner. :lol He can site the sources. Most times...off of the top of his head. :smile He does bring sources in print (old manuscripts) for skeptics, though. Did you catch the name of his radio program in Cleveland, OH? It was only supposed to be an experiment. but then it grew from there. :smile


P.S. ~ He is a member of a Jewish organization as well. I can't think of the name of it, though. He is invited to many of their speaking engagements. He has lead many Jews to Christ. :lol

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[quote="ptwild"]candlelight: Please do post the citations he uses when you get them.[/quote]

I sure will. I hope to see him tomorrow. If not, on Sunday. :thumb He has been very busy, so I will make sure I catch him before leaving church. I don't call him at home. I'd have to get my hubby to do that. And, hubby really can't stand the phone. :lol:


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The Anglican church is not like the church of rome. ...Just because a few Dioceses in North America have chosen to go astray' date=' does not mean that the over 68 million other Anglicans have. It would be like me saying that the Baptist church is not from the word of God, basing that statement solely on what I see Westboro Baptist Church doing on television. It's not fair, and it's far from the truth.[/quote']

The Anglican church started off wrong and has gone downhill since - and yes, it is very much like the Catholic church. Puritans were an attempt for the Anglican church to become more Biblical.
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James Madison got the credit for it. A man by the name of Isaac Backus was the PROMOTOR of separation of church and state in this country. Another man by the name of John Leland wrote the BILL OF RIGHTS and religious freedom. James Madison was a friend of John Leland. Patrick Henry (a brillaint lawyer) helped the Baptists. President George Washington converted, and became a Baptist...along w/ his wife Martha. Martha started off every morning in 2 hours of prayer and daily devotions for our country.

Prior to all of this, though...a man by the name of Obadiah Holmes (who was the first president of Harvard University) stood up and professed to the Puritan Church...why he wasn't going to have his baby baptized. Also, note that...Isaac Backus' mother was a great lady who was jailed for her Baptist beliefs. She said it was "miserable and glorious"(This reminds me of the early saints). After 1800 the country dropped church and state w/ regards to the Puritan Church. The state of VIrginia was the only state left at that time...w/ answering to the Church of England.

I have stated this before..."The Salem Witch Trials" were the beginning of "speaking in tongues" in this country. As IFB's we know that speaking in tongues ENDED in the book of Acts with the Apostles. Again, I will stay with my KJV 1611 AV Bible...it hasn't let me down yet. :smile The Puritans wanted the Baptists destroyed b/c the Baptists fought wholeheartedly for "Separation of Church and State" in America. And, that is fact...not fiction!


I'm also not finding evidence of George Washington ever becoming a Baptist. He was tolerant to other religions as many other people were during that time, aside from the Puritans, but I don't see that he was ever a Baptist.

Do you have any basis for saying that the Salem Witch Trials were the basis for speaking in tongues, as well? From what I've found, tongue-speaking has been something that has occurred in both Christian and non-Christian circles since before the time of Christ right up to the present. There is also no evidence that it ceased in the book of Acts. I know this is something that most Baptists will claim, but there isn't any Biblical evidence for it. If they had ceased, there would have been no reason for Paul to instruct as to there proper usage.
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