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Pastor Robert Morris

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This morning I saw a report that more fully revealed the circumstances surrounding the resignation of Dr. Robert Morris, pastor of the megachurch known as the Gateway Church. Dr. Morris was 21, and a traveling evangelist. He was a married MAN, a minister of the Word of God, and initiated this "relationship." During this first assault on this 12 year old GIRL, not "young WOMAN" as he has referred to her, he told her that she shouldn't say anything to anyone as it would ruin everything. This is clear indication that he KNEW what he was doing was wrong and was already doing all that he could do to cover his tracks. The report more fully revealed the facts that the victim was offered $25k if she would sign a NDA. She refused. Many clips were played of Morris recounting this period in his life revealing the lack of transparency and honesty on his part concerning the status of the victim at the time of the assaults. When the victim later approached Morris about reparations for the damage done, the attorneys for Morris stated that the child had initiated the relationship. It truly turned my stomach and brought back memories of how my old high school sweetheart had been sexually assaulted and then further groomed by a counselor for youth at the church that I grew up in. It also brought back memories of how the SIL of the pastor of the church I grew up in, a pastor of a church in the town across the river was arrested for soliciting an underage prostitute, and how he tried to pass it off as an attempt to try to witness to her. This was proven to be FALSE costing him his wife, his church, and his reputation. Looking back at Dr. Morris, though he has resigned from Gateway Church, and though the board of elders has resigned as well, the church is facing more allegations of sexual abuse by other former ministerial staff. There's also clear indication of a continued attempt to cover up allegations and facts that have been revealed. 

Things like this are a blot on the name of Christ and help to build hatred towards Christ and Christianity. Christian leaders and the congregation need to be more serious about these things and to report such actions to the authorities. Crime, especially of a sexual nature, should NEVER be handled "in-house" as there's often a lack of honesty, transparency, and punishment with perpetrators often being pushed off on other congregations. 

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