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Faithful Baptist college


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On 8/4/2017 at 11:34 PM, faith12777 said:

Just started at faithful Baptist college. Is  anyone a current student or gradute from there?

Friend, I don't know where you stand on the issue of "Baptist Briderism", but I can tell you are excited about the opportunity that the college offers. 

Don't let anything that has transpired here squelch your enthusiasm for deeper study. My "acquaintance" was well grounded in God's word; therefore, he could separate the good from the bad as far as the courses' contents (which I don't personally recommend).

 I can certainly understand the draw of a free College; however, there is no Bible college (that I'm aware of) that I agree with 100%.

Would I recommend Faithful Baptist College? No.

I have a degree from a similar institution (it wasn't free, but it was affordable); in that, it was distance learning. I didn't agree with everything I learned there either. What I learned was this...I didn't learn anything that I didn't already know from my own personal study...except for the things I didn't agree with. :laugh:

Be careful and be wise in your exploration of things like this, but don't let any "bad news" curb your enthusiasm for learning. Nothing...and I repeat...NOTHING...can take the place of personal Bible study with the Holy Spirit's direction. While today's churches may want a pastor (or staff member) who has a degree, that's just the world's influence on the church in my opinion. I'm not ashamed to admit that I got my degree because I felt it was needed in today's "church society". Too many churches have succumbed to worldly influences in demanding such things as this. I don't think the apostles had a college degree :laugh:, but they had something better...personal teaching from God himself. We have the same opportunity today through the Holy Spirit. I have a degree, but it's inside of the same envelope that I received it in years ago. 

If you want to pursue a degree, then I think that's admirable...just don't let getting a degree be your end-goal. My beliefs are what I've learned from my own personal study...not from what my college studies taught me. Your end-goal should be to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that is best done through the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Others may disagree with my stance on this, so take what I've said as such. This is my own personal input based on years of my own personal experience. Your experience (and other's) may differ. I just gave this as food for thought.

May the Lord bless you as you seek to serve him.

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