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This is a song I recently wrote.

A little boy stands by the street, waiting for a man
To take him to a yellow bus, to walk with him hand in hand.
He's not asking for much, just some joy and some love.
But as that man walks with that boy, he hears a message from above.

Someday, that boy will be a man.
Someday, he'll find his part in God's master plan.
He's got choices to make, but you can show him the path to take.
He just needs someone to go and light his way
And who knows what he could become, someday.

A man stands before the Lord at Christ's judgment seat.
He doesn't feel like he's done much; he thinks there's more chaff than wheat.
But then God points to a little boy he helped grow into a man.
And that boy had a large role in God's perfect plan.

One day, that boy became a man.
One day, he found his part in God's master plan.
He had choices to make, but someone showed him the path to take.
And because someone was there to light his way,
We now know what that boy could become.

It's not about how much you do, but that you do your part
In reaching this world for Christ, and touching someone's heart.

Today, you can touch the life of one.
Today, you can show them God's precious Son.
The choice is yours to make; will you show them the path to take.
And if you will go and light someone's way,
The world can be changed because of you, today.

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