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On Slavery


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I only gotten half way through my reading of all that news that I set before me to read every day and I am down already.  I just finished my daily reading of the news in the Southeastern Ukraine and I can't help but think about the difference between the people there and the people here in the good old US of A.  What a difference.  The people there willing to suffer and die for the right to live their lives free from the oligarchs and neo-fascists in Kiev and the people in this country who have not the slightest idea of what freedom is.


Americans have become slaves and they don't even know it.  Because they are not whipped or scourged daily by a Simon Legree like character they think they have freedom.  Well they are wrong, and wrong in so many ways. 


The concept of voluntary slavery has been a constant theme across the ages as most people want to be led, told what to do, and will not question or contest those in authority. Liberty and freedom require effort, sacrifice, honor and a people with a strong moral character. The Roman people succumbed to tyranny by abandoning their liberty to despots for a full belly and grand spectacles.


The American people have succumbed to modern day banker, billionaire and politician oligarchs for a belly full of toxic corporate processed food, cable HDTV with 600 stations, iGadgets, a never ending supply of cheap Chinese produced junk at big box retail stores, Facebook, Twitter, 24 hour drive thru Dunkin Donuts joints, and an endless array of professional sporting events, all paid for with an infinite supply of cheap consumer debt from the Wall Street fraud machine. We live in a warfare/welfare surveillance state built on a foundation of debt, consumerism, and delusion, with no tears. The Americans have learned to love their servitude.  


Yes, the American slavemaster (so far) wears a velvet glove . . . . but for how much longer?


There I got it off my chest, but somehow I don't feel any better.  Think I will go read my bible for awhile.



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Preach on brother!


I've been trying to point this out to folks for over two decades now and even with things so much worse now than when I began, it seems the vast majority of folks are blind to reality, with many not even caring.


What's common is to get knee-jerk reactions from folks when they finally realize the truth can't be refuted but they don't want to accept it. Then it becomes personal attacks and name calling.


As a few writers have documented, the American colonists prior to the American Revolution were far more free than Americans today. The Founders revolted over a two ounce offense while Americans today bear the weight of a two ton offense while singing they are free and brave!


We see the same trend infecting our churches. Even among some IFB churches it's becoming more and more about that Burger King philosophy of everyone wanting their Christianity their way, wanting their children entertained, and making sure they get some kind of a "show" at church too, even if it's just in the form of a comedy laced sermon. Not surprisingly, things tend to be much worse in most non-IFB churches. American Christians claim to be free in Christ and walking in liberty, ignoring the law of God in favor of partaking in worldly entertainment in many forms, whether that be watching a little TV or becoming a TV addict; or an OBsessed sports fan who can't even quote John 3:16 but can tell you the stats of their favorite teams and players going back years or decades; having a "few" beers after church in the back yard, while watching a game on TV or at the beach with the family and friends frolicking together wearing almost nothing, etc.


Sure, American Christians think they are free in Christ but in reality they are bound by Satan as they enslave themselves seeking the temporary pleasures of sin rather than true freedom and liberty which comes from walking in the Spirit, not the flesh.

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 Thank God for our Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. Our fighting men fought and died so we could live in a free country. where you can still own real estate, say what you want, go where you want, own and carry weapons,  go to the Church of your choice, vote, and if you're tired of working for someone else, you can start your own business.. Many people are slaves to alot of things, mostly their/our own sin. But real freedom is found in Jesus Christ, no matter where you are or what your government does. Thank God for America. Thank Him for our troops and our Veterans. We could all be speaking German, Japanese, or Russian, or we could be like those poor folks in North Korea who must worship the "Dear Leader", or suffer being imprisoned in a work camp or executed for things much more trivial than any of the freedoms listed above.

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The Constitution and 2nd Amendment are violated daily. Under the 2nd Amendment, the federal government has absolutely no authority to regulate, legislate or in any other way hinder a citizen from having and carrying arms yet there are a myriad of federal laws that violate this.


Depending upon where one wants to buy and own land, there can be many hurdles to such based upon federal, State or local laws. In a nearby small city it's even illegal to do any interior work on a private home without OBtaining permission from the city and OBtaining (paying for) a permit. Land and homes are confiscated for economic reasons, because of EPA regulations, the endangered species act, etc. Fail to pay property taxes and one quickly discovers they have only been renting the property from the government who seizes the property and sells it.


What we call freedom today our ancestors called slavery and tyranny.

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The Constitution and 2nd Amendment are violated daily. Under the 2nd Amendment, the federal government has absolutely no authority to regulate, legislate or in any other way hinder a citizen from having and carrying arms yet there are a myriad of federal laws that violate this.


Depending upon where one wants to buy and own land, there can be many hurdles to such based upon federal, State or local laws. In a nearby small city it's even illegal to do any interior work on a private home without OBtaining permission from the city and OBtaining (paying for) a permit. Land and homes are confiscated for economic reasons, because of EPA regulations, the endangered species act, etc. Fail to pay property taxes and one quickly discovers they have only been renting the property from the government who seizes the property and sells it.


What we call freedom today our ancestors called slavery and tyranny.

Yes, those things are true.

Vote and pray

2 Chronicles 7:14

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