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Will These Steps To Salvation Save You?


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Being raised Catholic, my wife knew that Jesus died for sin, was buried and rose the 3rd day.


At age 18 she discovered that there was no purgatory after death, she could have her sins forgiven while still in this life (without a human priest) and it was ALL by the grace of God through faith in the one mediator between God and man who was the ransom for all.

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Being raised Catholic, my wife knew that Jesus died for sin, was buried and rose the 3rd day.


At age 18 she discovered that there was no purgatory after death, she could have her sins forgiven while still in this life (without a human priest) and it was ALL by the grace of God through faith in the one mediator between God and man who was the ransom for all.

Knowing it and having faith in that are two entirely different worlds.


I too as a catholic Knew it but was never taught to have faith in it.  we were told to have faith in Mary, in Peter.


I agree that Eph 2 tells us that Christ dying for us in by his grace.  It is not faith in God's grace alone that saves, it is through faith in Christ's death for our sins that saves, and that is God's grace.

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