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God, I Don't Know Why You Want Me To Carry This Load


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Early in my Christian walk I had so much zeal, and so little knowledge and wisdom to go with it! I was looking forward to reaching that spiritual high point where I could walk as I imagined certain men of God walked. O how foolish and misguided was I!


After walking with the Lord for nearly 33 years the verses where Paul speaks of fighting the good fight and running the race really resonate. Following Christ is a marathon race that doesn't end until He calls me home; one way or the other. In the meantime, each mile run comes with battles that must be fought.


On my own, I can certainly do nothing but fall. With Christ I can do all things! Yet I fail to take each step in perfect stride with Christ so I stumble at times, but through His mercy which endureth forever, He patiently reaches out to me, steadies me, and keeps me in the race.

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