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Sid Roth


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Sid Roth is a Messianic/Charismatic Jew.  He has a ministry called "Messianic Vision"




I think he might also be a WOF teacher.


Sid Roth definitely believes that people can go to heaven and/or hell and come back and tell about it.  He did an interview with Richard Sigmund and agreed with all the wacky unscriptural doctrines that Richard Sigmund was teaching.



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Who is Sid Roth and where does he stand?


I've had someone telling me I should check out Sid Roth. I've not done so yet and thought I would see what anyone here might know of him before I actually do a search of his name.


Sid Roth is a saved Jewish man in his late 60s - early 70s.  His theological beliefs are wide-spread...from promoting signs and wonders, aliens, sons of God were fallen angels, animal/human hybrids, to salvation by faith in Christ.


If one agrees with those beliefs, they will like him.  If not, they won't like him.  I personally don't agree with much of that, but I do watch him periodically just to get a laugh at some of the theories that he and his guests espouse.  I know that sounds bad, but I'm being honest.

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NN, he sounds like he's really out there! I had no idea the guy who told me to look into him had gone that far from his previous IFB standing.


Over the years I've seen many good men get so caught up in the end times prophecy searches and watches that they become consumed, end up gravitating toward the Charismatics who are almost tunnel focused on these things.

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How can folks who once seemed so grounded in the Word get caught up with such preachers and ministries?


That's the mystery of the ages Bro. John...my own thoughts are that they weren't as grounded as it seemed, their pastors weren't teaching them and nurturing them in the word, or they desired experience over faith.  I'm sure there's MANY other reasons though.

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How can folks who once seemed so grounded in the Word get caught up with such preachers and ministries?

Proverbs 7:21 With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

Romans 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

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Sid Roth is a saved Jewish man in his late 60s - early 70s.  His theological beliefs are wide-spread...from promoting signs and wonders, aliens, sons of God were fallen angels, animal/human hybrids, to salvation by faith in Christ.


If one agrees with those beliefs, they will like him.  If not, they won't like him.  I personally don't agree with much of that, but I do watch him periodically just to get a laugh at some of the theories that he and his guests espouse.  I know that sounds bad, but I'm being honest.

He may "appear" to be saved, but I have my doubts...especially when he starts teaching all his "meshuggie" doctrines.  He reminds me of Jan and Paul Crouch of TBN, agreeing with every false teacher that came on their show.

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Some of that probably applies to a few of the guys I know, especially those I knew who took that turn back in the 90s. The ones I know of in more recent years don't seem to fit in with the same pattern.


The ones I know who "jumped ship" over the more recent past several years, all seemed to get very caught up in the whole looking for signs, and thought almost every new story pointed to some aspect of Bible prophecy. They were frustrated that their pastors wouldn't drop everything else and only preach on prophecy and the end times. They turned to TV and men such as John Hagee and Jack Van Impe. Eventually they were so consumed with everything having to be about the end times that they searched for new church homes where prophecy and end times was the central theme of all services. Thus far, it seems to be only certain Charismatic churches that fit that bill.


We lost one elderly man from our church a couple years ago like this. He had been a Christian almost as long as I have been alive, and had been a faithful member of our church for 25 years. The last couple of years he was at our church he was constantly pestering our pastor and associate pastor trying to get them to preach a whole series on nothing but end times prophecy, beginning with the OT prophecies and finishing by going through the whole book of Revelation...and not only that, but to preach according to his views on the matter. He also kept trying to get all the Sunday school classes and Bible studies to drop what they were doing and only teach on the end times.


Then one day he went to a nearby Charismatic church that preaches end times all the time and never came back.


I found it especially sad to see someone who has been a believer that many years, who had taught Sunday school, who had sat under at least two biblically sound pastors, go Charismatic over the end times stuff at about the age of 90.

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I've looked at some of his stuff. He seems to have some out there friends or associates too.


I'll check out a little more so I can speak to some matters so the person will know I did indeed check into him and am not just having a knee jerk negative reaction.


There are so many out there deceiving folks and leading them astray.

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I've looked at some of his stuff. He seems to have some out there friends or associates too.


I'll check out a little more so I can speak to some matters so the person will know I did indeed check into him and am not just having a knee jerk negative reaction.


There are so many out there deceiving folks and leading them astray.


Go to Youtube, type Sid Roth in the search box, hit Enter, and just read the descriptions beside each video...   :runforhills:

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