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Wolves Hunt Best In Packs


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 in addition to having rams attack my Wife. my Son and myself , I've also witnessed both rams and ewes attacking dogs, even a big sheep dog. Here's one defending her lambs from a lone wolf and appears to be doing a pretty good job. But dogs, wolves, and false prophets are bolder and more effective in a pack...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCLswHu_iu4

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 in addition to having rams attack my Wife. my Son and myself , I've also witnessed both rams and ewes attacking dogs, even a big sheep dog. Here's one defending her lambs from a lone wolf and appears to be doing a pretty good job. But dogs, wolves, and false prophets are bolder and more effective in a pack...... http://YouTube...h?v=gCLswHu_iu4

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