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It’S Time To Reboot Christian Television


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We never even had access to TBN until recent years. There was a show with a guy who would sing various hymns for a half hour. I don't recall his name, but I did listen to him a few times. I'm not for sure if it was on TBN or another channel, but a show called Southern Style Praise had some good stuff, but I only saw a few of them.


I don't know what channel Adrian Rogers is on but I watch him when I happen to see him preaching.


The web site is messed up right now, but it might be on later.


This is his site,

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We have a radio station here that advertises (one of his points).
It is absolute trash.

The problem is that if the money comes from multiple sources, the provider is held at ransom to the money.

If a ministry is the wholly supported ministry of A local NT church it answers only to the church from which it is a ministry.

It will then follow and reflect the position of that church - and hopefully of the Lord.

ANY para-church organisation must pander to its supporters, and almost without exception that means compromise, as those supporters come from varied positions.
Then those who wish to have more influence increase their support, then threaten to remove it "unless you......".

As I said before, para-church organisation.......


Personally I believe if a church has TV or radio preaching they should foot the bill & not sell the Gospel asking for offering, donations or whatever.


And of course the TV preachers they are out to make money & be listener supported, that is they sell the Gospel. And of course many of them will say we are on the air only because you support us.


The Gospel should never be for sale & of course Jesus gave His Church the job of Go, teach baptize.

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I've never seen Gene Scott but I have watched his wife "Pastor" Melissa Scott mangle the word of God. 


Sometimes Gene would set there in front of the camera with a cigar in his mouth, a pair of glasses on, with another pair of glasses over them for many minutes at a time, not saying nothing. Sometimes there would be young women walking around him waiting on him hand & foot dressed very immodest.


Sometimes they would show scenes from his horse ranch, & all the pretty horses for 30 minutes at a time, or even longer.


One thing about him was he was one of a kind. And when he did teach, most of it seemed very wacky to me.


Never watched his wife, I had read that she took over, & saw a picture of her.

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TBN is & has been  a group of false teaches not teaching biblical truths. To get right they would have to start from scratch, & ditch everyone.


As for us we are not to have anything to do with them & never wish them God speed so they we will not be partakers of their evil deeds.


False teachers are much worse than no teachers at all.



But they sure look good, I like the cool Gold seats they sit on.  :coffee2:

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