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Would You Vote For Any Person That Support Gay Marriages...

The Glory Land

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Yes, and all this should helps us more clearly see that Christ is the answer, not politics.


Imagine the impact for Christ that might occur if all the politically active Christians turned their time, talent and treasure to spreading the Gospel, making disciples, supporting their local churches, evangelists, sound Christian schools and such rather than politics!


Yes, the only tool we are to use is the Sword that Christ furnishes us, His Word. Yet man loves politics & war, & just can't let go of it.


Modern man is much like the RCC of yesterday in some ways, loves to use much more than the armor that God has given them.


Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


Those that will be in the kingdom of God will be there only because of their faith in the Word, not because of politics & or war.

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1 Peter 2: 13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
Tyrants love the way some interpret this scripture.
Many martyrs refused to submit to many of the ordinances of popes and their agents.  What is your verdict on them?
God bless,
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I agree revival is needed.  But disagree that the 9th and 10th amendments are virtually dead.  That is what the feds would like us to believe, and too many Americans sit back and let them assert power.

Federal law dictates so many things that the 9th and 10th amendments were to protect us from. Everything from various tax policies, farm regulations, mandates for businesses, homeowners, renting and selling of housing, who one may and may not hire and fire and the conditions for such, education, countless law enforcement matters, healthcare, and on and on.


Today nearly all national politicians and the majority of people in America would rise up against anyone who said they were going to return to abiding by just those two amendments and listed the myriad of government agencies, programs, laws, regulations and such that would be eliminated.


The majority of Americans today rake in money and special benefits from federal violations of the 9th and 10th amendments. The poor, so-called poor, farmers, big business and millions of others would fight tooth and nail to prevent a restoration of the 9th and 10th amendments. Not to mention the feds have already shown they are more than willing to use economic extortion, blackmail and raw force to have and maintain authority over the States and people.

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Your not going to win a political battle, there's not enough of us, while many who claim to be of us are not of us. Jesus gave us His Word to fight this battle with, & we who are with Him needs to put on the whole:


Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


Trusting politics is placing your trust in man, & many of them that you place your trust in will not be of us.

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Your not going to win a political battle, there's not enough of us, while many who claim to be of us are not of us. Jesus gave us His Word to fight this battle with, & we who are with Him needs to put on the whole:


Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


Trusting politics is placing your trust in man, & many of them that you place your trust in will not be of us.

That's right Jerry. There are not enough Christians who take the Word seriously, who are willing to live the Word in all aspects of their lives, including when it comes to politics. There are also not enough true conservatives to bring about any change. So-called conservatives today are not even close to what they were just 30 years ago and extremely liberal compared to those of a hundred years ago.  


Most so-called conservative politicians no longer seriously speak of working to dismantle the overgrowth of the federal government, to restore actual constitutional government, to phase out and eliminate the unconstitutional agencies and programs. Instead, the "conservative" response is make the liberal and unconstitutional agencies and programs run a little better and try to make use a little less money.


Look at the last presidential election cycle and we see Romney kept saying he would shrink the government but he had no plans for such and when pressed on exactly what he would cut or eliminate he said he couldn't answer that. Other candidates likewise made vague promises, a few hinted at some minor tinkering they would attempt. Only Ron Paul actually put forth a plan that would actually shrink the federal government, phase out unconstitutional agencies and programs, and was serious about his intentions to work to achieve such. We all know how that election went. Conservatives and Christians were fickle minded and didn't know what they wanted. Most rejected Paul though he offered about 90% of what most claimed to want. Many flocked to Bachmann, but then just as quickly turned from her and flocked to Perry. Once Perry fumbled in answering some debate questions, they abandoned him and latched onto Cain. When Cain came under very suspicious accusations they began dropping him and looked at Newt until they realized Newt would have a hard time overcoming Romney in the primary count and they jumped from him and backed the liberal minded, flip-flopping Mormon Romney.


After seeing that mess, why would anyone think still think the Republican Party and voters can turn America to a better direction?


We need to focus upon expanding the Kingdom of God. One thing about focusing upon the Lord's work, whether we see success in this life or not, we know that all work for Him will last for eternity. We also know that if a revival or awakening were to happen, whether nationally, regionally, or locally, such would not only be of eternal value, but would also be a blessing here and now.

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There's enough Christians to bring about change, yet not in the way many professing Christians seek. Many seek to change this whole country, that will not happen, & it surely will not happen though politics. Some seems to think through politics we can make laws & these laws will change the heart of this country as well as the hearts of country's citizens. 


The changes Christians can bring about is changing one heart at a time by sharing the Gospel as they live the Gospel. And in some place they may get several to attend church who comes under the conviction of the Holy Spirit & accepts Jesus as Savior & forever change.


Its almost as if they want to go to the law, & though the law make Heaven on earth while completely ignoring that those who truly follow Jesus do so by their very own free will, not because the law of the land forces them to. That is the true Christians even if our land had no laws we would still freely walk in the ways of Jesus trusting & obeying Him.


Mr 8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

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