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Ohio In 2014

Guest "I am chief"

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Watch out for the following in Ohio and possibly other states in the future.


The following title and summary text for the proposed amendment to Ohio’s Constitution appear on the surface to provide thoughtful consideration for Christian and Jewish religious practice. However, carefully crafted titles and summaries cannot disguise this open affront. This is an attempt to make us say NO to values, tradition, and religious institution confirmed by Jesus Christ and held sacred by proceeding generations.  


Title: The Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment



1. Allow two consenting adults freedom to enter into a marriage regardless of gender;

2. Give religious institutions freedom to determine whom to marry;

3. Give religious institutions protection to refuse to perform a marriage.


We already have the freedom and protection of the laws in place in Ohio. We cannot change every law at the whimsical preference of every moral or immoral change agent. We have financial issues within our state and nation which deserve our attention and we have needy to care for. We Ohioans didn’t ask the government’s interference with the practice of religious institutions. Marriage is a religious ordinance instituted by God and recorded in Judeo-Christian sacred texts. This is an obvious attack on the Christian and Jewish faiths.


The homosexuals have other avenues; they can petition states for amendments to man made laws preventing them from exercising their preferential sexual practices. However, they can leave the Christian and Jewish religious ordinances out of their agenda. With the clout they possess among politicians, media, and Hollywood, they should have no trouble changing tax codes and insurance and inheritance laws to facilitate their life style. They won’t make me say NO to the values which are as much a part of me as my arms or legs, the values my parents hoped I would exercise in true faith and allegiance.


Homosexuals, Hollywood, politicians, and the media have no business infringing on the religious practices of Christians and Jewish faiths.


We need to have consensus among those of us who oppose this blatant infringement on rights protected by the U.S. Constitution within the 1st Amendment.


I hope our leaders within communities will help prepare for what appears to be a well orchestrated and very well financed attack against, We the people. 


I hope people will decline to sign the petition as it makes its way to homes throughout Ohio communities.  We made a statement in 2004 and gave an overwhelming YES to traditional religious based marriage. Now this amendment wants us to say NO to things mothers and fathers have expressed to children for generations. I won’t turn my back on my Lord, my faith, my family, my values, or my fellow Ohioans. I will not sign their petition and I will speak out against it.


Please feel free to use or modify any of the above for the purpose of defending marriage as defined by God in the the KJV (AV).

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Unfortunately this will all soon be moot as the forces within the national Dem and Repub Parties are well on their way to making legal homosexual marriage and other "rights" at the federal level which they will use to trump all State laws.


We better be sharing the Gospel and publically living for Christ while we still have the freedom to do so. At some point ourselves, our families and our churches will suffer greatly for sharing the Gospel and publically living for Christ.

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Thanks for the tip. Any idea if we will see this on the ballot this fall or fall 2014? (I'm a Buckeye now by transplant).


It is supposed to be on a ballot next year. I expect to see the petition circulating soon if not already. If you're in a large city or suburbs (especially Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati) I would have thought they would have been there already.

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It is supposed to be on a ballot next year. I expect to see the petition circulating soon if not already. If you're in a large city or suburbs (especially Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati) I would have thought they would have been there already.

I'm quite close to Cleveland, but this is the first I've heard of it. Will keep my ears open.
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