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Recent Post And A Sunday School Lesson


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The verse that God's word shall not return void...can someone explain that to me in more explanation? What I'm getting at is if an unsaved person has heard the Gospel many times in his life and still doesn't follow Christ and maybe never will how can it be useful or used (?) in that person's life?

If someone hears the Gospel and rejects it, the Lord will use that fact when that lost person stands before Him on Judgment Day. It's also likely that offer of salvation they rejected will be something that plays over and over in their minds in hell.


The person who shared the Gospel with them will receive the blessings and rewards involved with having shared the Gospel.


There are many other applications this could have, such as others hearing the Gospel shared with that person and that seed is planted in them that later leads them to salvation; or serves as above.


In some way, God always uses His Word going forth so that it's never "wasted", but always accomplishes something, whether now or later.

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Yes, prosperity is from Isa. 55:11. Thank God for faithful witnesses to we folk who were in the military. 

The best, or most useful, thing I was told while in the Air Force was when a chaplain told me plainly that if I truly wanted to serve Christ I shouldn't become a military chaplain. As far as I could tell, this man was saved, and he lamented how restricted he was in living and sharing Christ as a military chaplain and of all the comprises involved, including helping false religions, having to refer some to the false religionists and such.


This chaplain did a good job of presenting the Gospel, pointing the lost to Christ and trying to strengthen the saved in his Christian services, but that's the only place he could freely do so. Outside of that, he had to give deference and respect to false religionists and their false teachings and help airmen get in touch with them.

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