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From Sword Of The Lord


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When The Preacher Comes………

Things at our house are sure different
When the preacher makes a call,
So much different you would hardly,
Recognize the place at all.

Pa just talks so nice to Mama,
And she never quarrels a bit,
They just smile at things that other
Times would make them throw a fit.

Sister too, she acts up different,
Calls me brother ‘stead of brat,
Does the dishes ‘thout me,
And I’m surely proud of that.

Me, I’m simply flabbergast,
Trying not to make a break,
Do no talking, ask no questions,
Keeping mum for manners sake.

“Yes, sir.” Dad says, “we’re so happy.
You’ve come back another year,
Had you left us, we’d have suffered,
And the church, I have a fear.

Or, “Next time you come to see us,
Bring the good wife, take a meal,”
Mother say’s, “For I can’t tell you,
How good that would make me fee.”

So, they sit and talk and visit,
Nicest way you ever see,
But its sure a strain on sister,
On my mother, and dad and me.

Everything is milk and honey,
It ain’t like our house at all,
We’re scared we’ll make a bobble,
When the preacher comes to call.

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Yes, all too true. It reminds of that little story about what we would do if we saw Jesus coming up the walk to our house. Then it asks if we would need to rush to hide certain magazines, change the channel on the TV, find the Bible and dust it off so we could put it on the coffee table, change our clothes, be extra careful with our language, etc.

Then that story goes on to remind us that Jesus is always here and whatever we think we would need to do if Jesus were coming to our door is what we should do right now and then live as if we knew Jesus were in the house with us all the time.

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