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Mouth Equal Fingers?

Guest 1Timothy115

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29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)

Now notice the very next verse, which should let us know just how important this matter is to the Lord.

30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

This is followed by more admonitions regarding our speech.

31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Edited by John81
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wasn't never very good.

A elderly pastor friend, doing a funeral service, quoted over 100 Scriptures by memory. I say over 100, the woman that kept count says she lost count at about 100, that he was quoting them so fast she had trouble marking them down.

I wonder if its just you and me or if others must take time to recall/search for scriptures? Sometimes when I'm witnessing to someone a particular scripture just won't come to me. Recently while preparing Sunday School lessons and messages I realized how much my recall is slipping. Things I used to know, now I have to word search for on the internet. Thank the Lord I can still remember a word or two from the appropriate scriptures I need. It can be worse when answering a post on line, if I need a particular verse to make myself clear.
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I wonder if its just you and me or if others must take time to recall/search for scriptures? Sometimes when I'm witnessing to someone a particular scripture just won't come to me. Recently while preparing Sunday School lessons and messages I realized how much my recall is slipping. Things I used to know, now I have to word search for on the internet. Thank the Lord I can still remember a word or two from the appropriate scriptures I need. It can be worse when answering a post on line, if I need a particular verse to make myself clear.

I'm like you, I remember a word or two, but the thing is, I've always been that way. My best friend always remember his memory verse, I never could. Sad, he wasted all of that memory, I believe he has been married 4 times. The last time I saw him was at his father's funeral services, his latest new wife looked younger than my daughter & he is one year older than I.

Its really not how much you know, its how one uses the little they do know.
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In my 20s and 30s I could turn right to almost any verse or passage I thought of. For some reason I can't do that anymore. It seems I can usually remember the verse or passage, or at least most of it, but I have more difficulty remembering where to find it.

Of course it's easier to locate these on the computer than it is with Bible in hand. Perhaps too much looking these up on the computer has a part in dulling my ability to do so in hand. I don't know.

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The verses aren't too bad to remember, but I have much more trouble remembering the verse numbers. I can recite a few passages like 23rd psalm, John chapter 1:1-14, Psalm chapter 1 etc. and numerous other verses. But I wish I had applied myself and learned more. You are not too old to learn and retain. Our brains can even make new connections. The key is to tell yourself, "I can".......do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Edited by heartstrings
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I can get 'Jesus Wept,' right once in a while, John 11:35.

Funny you mention that! My wife's dad, probably unsaved (I never met him, he died before I met my wife) taught her that verse as a child but she has always had a hard time remembering the verse numbers for some reason. Typically she will ask me about this several times a year so I have to remember the verse numbers for her.
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Funny you mention that! My wife's dad, probably unsaved (I never met him, he died before I met my wife) taught her that verse as a child but she has always had a hard time remembering the verse numbers for some reason. Typically she will ask me about this several times a year so I have to remember the verse numbers for her.

The reason I remember that one, my best friend stated it many times at church, saying, 'Shortest verse in the Bible, 'Jesus Wept,' John 11:35.'
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