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A Quote: I Know This Seems Strange To Those Goody-Goody Christians

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I know this seems strange to those goody-goody Christians that have been lulled to sleep by the soft message flowing from the lips of compromising preachers. We live in an age of softness, when people have been almost convinced to believe in the Good Lord and the Good Devil. We live in a time of love everybody, except those who are standing for the faith and battling for the faith once delivered to the saints.

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Not my quote, take it for what its worth, but there's many goody goody Christians, or at least they call their self Christian that absolutely look down on those that measure up as they do.

The quote was by, E. L. Bynum.

Edited by Jerry80871852
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I was thinking of this today when reading a professing Christians Facebook posts. They posted that they are not perfect but neither is anybody else so no can tell them anything they do is wrong. They also posted that no one can judge them until they have gone through everything they have gone through. There were a couple of posts which looked to be about God, but they were actually worldly sayings along the lines of saying that God loves them just the way they are so nobody can say anything about the way they live.

These people look badly at those who actually believe the Bible and strive to live by the Bible. These are Burger King Christians who want their Christianity their way. They don't want to hear anyone, not a preacher, not a Bible believing Christian, telling them what the Bible actually says or trying to help them learn the Word or trying to disciple them.

How many of these are actually lost but the worldly and watered down churches tell them they are saved?

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I was thinking of this today when reading a professing Christians Facebook posts. They posted that they are not perfect but neither is anybody else so no can tell them anything they do is wrong. They also posted that no one can judge them until they have gone through everything they have gone through. There were a couple of posts which looked to be about God, but they were actually worldly sayings along the lines of saying that God loves them just the way they are so nobody can say anything about the way they live.

These people look badly at those who actually believe the Bible and strive to live by the Bible. These are Burger King Christians who want their Christianity their way. They don't want to hear anyone, not a preacher, not a Bible believing Christian, telling them what the Bible actually says or trying to help them learn the Word or trying to disciple them.

How many of these are actually lost but the worldly and watered down churches tell them they are saved?

This can even happen to some who are or have been in the right church, those who "walk away" from God and church but in their minds think they are saved. Were they saved in the first place? Did they ever really ask Jesus into their heart and save them? There are quite a few from the church we went to back in MO, who were "saved" and fairly faithful, then "something" happened and they suddenly quit coming to church and want nothing to do with God and church. They avoid the faithful, they don't even talk to those who are still attending this church, all the while one can see the same things you mention on their Facebook pages, including what they post about their worldly activities. Edited by cubfan1969
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This can even happen to some who are or have been in the right church, those who "walk away" from God and church but in their minds think they are saved. Were they saved in the first place? Did they ever really ask Jesus into their heart and save them? There are quite a few from the church we went to back in MO, who were "saved" and fairly faithful, then "something" happened and they suddenly quit coming to church and want nothing to do with God and church. They avoid the faithful, they don't even talk to those who are still attending this church, all the while one can see the same things you mention on their Facebook pages, including what they post about their worldly activities.

Unfortunately we had a family leave our church like that last year. In that family it was only the husband/dad who really professed faith and was the one who got his wife and children into church. Then something happened, or more likely it was a lot of little things that just finally became heavy, and he "lost interest". Naturally, when he "lost interest" so did the rest of his family. He still thinks he was and is saved, but says he has absolutely no interest in the things of God, regrets putting his life on hold those years he spent in church and focusing on the things of God instead of himself and family.

This man and his family made it clear to our pastors, their friends from church and the rest of us in general, that they want no further contact with any of us.

How very sad.
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Things happen at church, people do get their feeling hurt, sometimes its legitimate. But sometimes it happens so bad they feel they have to leave their church, they should quickly, as soon as possibly, unite with another one. They need to remember, Jesus got His feeling hurt much worse than they, yet He died for His churches.

Hurt feeling is a very poor excuse not to attend one of Jesus' Churches.

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Things happen at church, people do get their feeling hurt, sometimes its legitimate. But sometimes it happens so bad they feel they have to leave their church, they should quickly, as soon as possibly, unite with another one. They need to remember, Jesus got His feeling hurt much worse than they, yet He died for His churches.

Hurt feeling is a very poor excuse not to attend one of Jesus' Churches.

Too many people think it's all about them when it should be all about Him.
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It is.

When I talk with someone that's a member of another church & they're out of church, if its a good church, I will recommend them to try to return to their home church, & if for some reason they cannot, I make sure they know they're welcome at our church.

Years ago, after I had surrendered to preach, but had not been called as pastor, I knew a young man that had surrendered to preach, & shortly afters dropped out of church. I asked my pastor to go with me to visit him.

We had a wonderful visit with him & his wife. And before leaving I told him, I wish you would get back in your home church, but if you can't, I want you & your wife to know that your welcome to come visit us at our church anytime,

My pastor was very unhappy at me, & said, never tell them to try & get back into their church, only invited them to visit with us. We are not visiting people in order to help other churches.

I told him, I'm visiting people in the name of Jesus, & I refuse trying to steal members from other good churches, the right thing for a person to do if they're out of church, is to return to their home church if at all possible. He still did not agree with me at that time. A few weeks later he came to me & brought this back up saying, "Brother Jerry, after thinking about this, I now understand what you mean, & your right, & I was wrong, thanks for helping me to understand this."

He & I both helped each other on several issues, for we would talk about any & all issues that might come up, & it seemed if we disagree it never caused hard feelings. I think both of us learned quite a bit from one another. At times I really miss the great conversations we had while he was my pastor.

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It is.

When I talk with someone that's a member of another church & they're out of church, if its a good church, I will recommend them to try to return to their home church, & if for some reason they cannot, I make sure they know they're welcome at our church.

Years ago, after I had surrendered to preach, but had not been called as pastor, I knew a young man that had surrendered to preach, & shortly afters dropped out of church. I asked my pastor to go with me to visit him.

We had a wonderful visit with him & his wife. And before leaving I told him, I wish you would get back in your home church, but if you can't, I want you & your wife to know that your welcome to come visit us at our church anytime,

My pastor was very unhappy at me, & said, never tell them to try & get back into their church, only invited them to visit with us. We are not visiting people in order to help other churches.

I told him, I'm visiting people in the name of Jesus, & I refuse trying to steal members from other good churches, the right thing for a person to do if they're out of church, is to return to their home church if at all possible. He still did not agree with me at that time. A few weeks later he came to me & brought this back up saying, "Brother Jerry, after thinking about this, I now understand what you mean, & your right, & I was wrong, thanks for helping me to understand this."

He & I both helped each other on several issues, for we would talk about any & all issues that might come up, & it seemed if we disagree it never caused hard feelings. I think both of us learned quite a bit from one another. At times I really miss the great conversations we had while he was my pastor.

Unfortunately for many it is much easier to just get up and leave.

My wife and I learned a great deal in our church back in MO. That was our first IFB church, and we utilized what we learned as we sought out a new home and church here in Ohio. We attended a few different churches after checking doctrinal statements, etc. and before we joined our current church we sat down with the pastor and his wife with a list of questions, along with asking what the needs of the church were/are, so we could see where we could serve. The icing on the cake is that we are less than a 10 minute drive from our new church. We are developing new friendships/relationships and doing what we can to support our pastor and serve where we can.
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Unfortunately for many it is much easier to just get up and leave.

My wife and I learned a great deal in our church back in MO. That was our first IFB church, and we utilized what we learned as we sought out a new home and church here in Ohio. We attended a few different churches after checking doctrinal statements, etc. and before we joined our current church we sat down with the pastor and his wife with a list of questions, along with asking what the needs of the church were/are, so we could see where we could serve. The icing on the cake is that we are less than a 10 minute drive from our new church. We are developing new friendships/relationships and doing what we can to support our pastor and serve where we can.

I think you have a good point. I believe the most important thing a Christian can do in their local church is find a ministry where they can serve God and fellow Christians.
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