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Literary Agent's 1991 Booklet: Obama 'born In Kenya'


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For the politicians it is all about themselves, not about the country and our constitution (as our founding fathers probably intended).

The Founders warned against political parties and they warned that the federal government should be kept small, with little actual power or influence in most internal matters. They warned against career politicians and felt one way to prevent having such was for the federal government to be kept small, weak and part-time. During the early years and decades congress took care of their business in short order and then they went back home to real jobs.
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For the politicians it is all about themselves, not about the country and our constitution (as our founding fathers probably intended).

That is surely the truth, & these politicians are about to destroy this country taking care of self. Some of them may actually be honest when they go in, yet its not long & they're going along with the rest of them while filling up their very own treasure chest.
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