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Literary Agent's 1991 Booklet: Obama 'born In Kenya'


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Literary agent's 1991 booklet: Obama 'born in Kenya'

Obama’s 'born in Kenya' bio used until 2007

AP story also referenced Obama as Kenyan-born

Mainstream media dismisses 'born in Kenya' story

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel. It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White — which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White."

Read more: http://times247.com/articles/literary-agent-s-booklet-obama-born-in-kenya#ixzz1vGSnHoLo

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This is probably one of the reasons Obama has spent millions of dollars to keep his college transcripts hidden. Likely as not, they reveal the truth of this as well as possibly containing other damaging information.

There is no way that booklet would have been put forth by Obama's literary agent, and approved by Obama, and kept out there for so long unless there was truth to it.

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Arpaio: Hawaii is 'hiding' Obama's birth record

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose special investigative unit already has found probable cause that Barack Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate is a forgery, says the discovery of a 1991 literary brochure listing Obama’s birthplace as Kenya “puts more smoke out there.” ...

“We act on facts,” Arpaio told WND today. “We started the investigation back in August and utilized my Cold Case Posse to look into documents, the birth certificate and also the Selective Service forms. We seem to have much stonewalling going on.

“But I’m not going to back down. We are continuing to investigate what we feel are fraudulent government documents. We’re going to keep going, to prove once and for all whether they are genuine,” he said.


Media's Kenyan cover-up: Obama's past ignored

Forgerygate: Ignoring Arpaio's report is a scandal in itself

Read the original article at World Net Daily

Read more: http://times247.com/articles/arpaio-born-in-kenya-claim-puts-more-smoke-out-there#ixzz1vMBD9khE

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Change, Mr. Obama did bring change, but it was not good change.

I hope they keep digging, & we get the whole truth.

The question is: Will it matter? So many don't even care what the truth is. Even among many so-called conservatives, they are saying it really doesn't matter where he was born, if he lied, and let's just forget about the matter of what the Constitution says.

No doubt the Left doesn't care and it really seems most of the population doesn't care either. How long before someone who clearly and openly doesn't meet the constitutional requirements runs for office and is allowed to do so?
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The question is: Will it matter? So many don't even care what the truth is. Even among many so-called conservatives, they are saying it really doesn't matter where he was born, if he lied, and let's just forget about the matter of what the Constitution says.

No doubt the Left doesn't care and it really seems most of the population doesn't care either. How long before someone who clearly and openly doesn't meet the constitutional requirements runs for office and is allowed to do so?

They fear being branded a birther. A very derogatory word that seems to have come up by the president & his men to put down anyone that did not accept his lies about where he was born.
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boring LOL I really don't care where he is born or was born, I rather worry about more important issues.

It's boring and unimportant that the Constitution be followed, the law not broken? The Founders placed the provisions for president into the Constitution for good reason.
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It's boring and unimportant that the Constitution be followed, the law not broken? The Founders placed the provisions for president into the Constitution for good reason.

When will they learn not to allow a person like Obama to run if people were going to question him? I am shocked if they knew this why did they allow him in?
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boring LOL I really don't care where he is born or was born, I rather worry about more important issues.

Them you don't care about the laws of our country. Its the law, to be president, you must be natural born American.

Don't you feel all laws are important, & no one ought to be above the law?
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When will they learn not to allow a person like Obama to run if people were going to question him? I am shocked if they knew this why did they allow him in?

That's part of the problem! No one, no matter who they are, should be allowed to even be a candidate for president until they have proved their eligibility, which not only requires proof of meeting the age requirement, but also the proof of being a natural American citizen.

The fact there was a clear failure in this area during the 2008 elections more than enough reason to press for the law being rightly upheld and enforced.
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That's part of the problem! No one, no matter who they are, should be allowed to even be a candidate for president until they have proved their eligibility, which not only requires proof of meeting the age requirement, but also the proof of being a natural American citizen.

The fact there was a clear failure in this area during the 2008 elections more than enough reason to press for the law being rightly upheld and enforced.

The only thing my parents that are democratic did in 04 election for senate of IL they were questioning where did he come from? He came from out of nowhere and they never knew about him. My husband also said he seen another article about this booklet this morning , so I am not sure what to believe.
Too me I want the speculation to die down and we move on .
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The only thing my parents that are democratic did in 04 election for senate of IL they were questioning where did he come from? He came from out of nowhere and they never knew about him. My husband also said he seen another article about this booklet this morning , so I am not sure what to believe.
Too me I want the speculation to die down and we move on .

There would be no speculation if Obama provided all that is needed to prove, one way or another, what the truth is. Instead, Obama has put forth doctored photocopies and spent several million dollars to keep his birth information, college records and other things other presidents open to the public, in hiding. Why?
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