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What Should Christians Watch/hear?

Guest Joshua Berndt

What should Christians watch/hear?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Christians watch/listen to movies/T.V./radio with foul language and sex/nudity or crude dialogue?

    • No foul language, sex/nudity or crude dialogue
    • No foul language, or sex/nudity
    • No sex/nudity
    • I am wrong, so I watch anything and come up with excuses!

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The Christian group which held Hollywood in check disbanded. From that point forward the only "check" on Hollywood was whatever the lost and worldly movie people set for themselves.

Even among average Christians, very few were avoding the theater by the 60s and 70s. Today there are exceedingly few Christians who will not go to the theater and watch movies.

Professing Christians in America have followed worldly America in their love of Hollywood entertainment, gambling, drinking and other things once considered vices Christians should avoid and speak against.

Today even Christian preachers inform their congregations of movies they've watched, talk about their trip to the gambling palace while on vacation and mention that glass of wine they drank at someones wedding.

Several of the professing Christians in this little town drink heavily, gamble at least on occasion, frequent the theaters, have weekly meals at the tavern and their pastors not only don't speak against such, their pastors even engage in some of this themselves.

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Guest Joshua Berndt

I have never been to a movie theater. Why? Abstain from all appearance of evil. - 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV I don't go to restaurants that serve alcohol either. Doing what is right and my testimony is much more important than a meal. Nearly everything coming to theaters is filthy, even the G and PG anymore. And I don't want to be seen around that, where one might wonder what I am there to see. Someone will come back at me with, "Yeah, but you can't worry about what others think." Yes and no. I will not WORRY about what others think, but I want to do nothing that will CAUSE them to wonder. Admit it, if you saw a Pastor going into a bar, you would take notice. What would Jesus do? Would Jesus hang out at bars? I know he wouldn't.

And as to Fox News. Phhfff! Garbage. I don't watch them anymore, unless it is to laugh at their pathetic reporting.

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Alcohol is served or sold just about everywhere around here. If one avoided every place with alcohol they wouldn't even be able to buy gas for their car. I don't know of a single gas station in the area that doesn't sell alcohol anymore.

Bars and taverns, places whose main business is alcohol, we certainly avoid. Other than McDonald's and such, all food places serve alcohol to one extent or another. All the grocery stores and gas stations sell alcohol. Even Pizza Hut sells alcohol, though I've never seen anyone buy or drink alcohol while I've been there, which is usually only a few times a year.

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I have never been to a movie theater. Why? Abstain from all appearance of evil. - 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV I don't go to restaurants that serve alcohol either. Doing what is right and my testimony is much more important than a meal. Nearly everything coming to theaters is filthy, even the G and PG anymore. And I don't want to be seen around that, where one might wonder what I am there to see. Someone will come back at me with, "Yeah, but you can't worry about what others think." Yes and no. I will not WORRY about what others think, but I want to do nothing that will CAUSE them to wonder. Admit it, if you saw a Pastor going into a bar, you would take notice. What would Jesus do? Would Jesus hang out at bars? I know he wouldn't.

And as to Fox News. Phhfff! Garbage. I don't watch them anymore, unless it is to laugh at their pathetic reporting.

But the worldly Christians would argue and say that Jesus would hang out at bars to reach the lost.....of course I don't agree with that line of thinking.
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But the worldly Christians would argue and say that Jesus would hang out at bars to reach the lost.....of course I don't agree with that line of thinking.

That's what they say, but, of course, they are wrong. Jesus didn't "hang out" with sinners, Jesus took the Gospel to sinners, then moved on.

The question to ask the worldly Christian is what are they doing in the bar. Are they in the bar sharing the Gospel, calling lost sinners to repentance or are they in the bar to be entertained in some way?
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That's what they say, but, of course, they are wrong. Jesus didn't "hang out" with sinners, Jesus took the Gospel to sinners, then moved on.

The question to ask the worldly Christian is what are they doing in the bar. Are they in the bar sharing the Gospel, calling lost sinners to repentance or are they in the bar to be entertained in some way?

The ones that I've heard that from, unfortunately include my sister who still drinks on occasion. But according to her it's "ok," she's going to heaven because she's a good person and raised her kids well (and her sons are following her lead), and she's in the "right church" (Wisconsin Lutheran). I've tried to talk and give scriptural evidence, but I've been shut out (like the rest of my lost family has done to me and my wife).
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The ones that I've heard that from, unfortunately include my sister who still drinks on occasion. But according to her it's "ok," she's going to heaven because she's a good person and raised her kids well (and her sons are following her lead), and she's in the "right church" (Wisconsin Lutheran). I've tried to talk and give scriptural evidence, but I've been shut out (like the rest of my lost family has done to me and my wife).

I know what you mean. My sister thinks she's going to heaven because she was baptized years ago and she's "better than most people", besides, "no one can know her heart".

For most worldly Christians it doesn't matter what's actually right or wrong, what Jesus actually did, said, would or might do today, it's all about them. They want a beer so they will justify it, they don't want to hear the truth so they attack and/or push away real Christians, even family.

I pray our family may see the light and be born again before it's too late for them.
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I know what you mean. My sister thinks she's going to heaven because she was baptized years ago and she's "better than most people", besides, "no one can know her heart".

For most worldly Christians it doesn't matter what's actually right or wrong, what Jesus actually did, said, would or might do today, it's all about them. They want a beer so they will justify it, they don't want to hear the truth so they attack and/or push away real Christians, even family.

I pray our family may see the light and be born again before it's too late for them.

I couldn't agree with you more.
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I have never been to a movie theater. Why? Abstain from all appearance of evil. - 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV I don't go to restaurants that serve alcohol either. Doing what is right and my testimony is much more important than a meal. Nearly everything coming to theaters is filthy, even the G and PG anymore. And I don't want to be seen around that, where one might wonder what I am there to see. Someone will come back at me with, "Yeah, but you can't worry about what others think." Yes and no. I will not WORRY about what others think, but I want to do nothing that will CAUSE them to wonder. Admit it, if you saw a Pastor going into a bar, you would take notice. What would Jesus do? Would Jesus hang out at bars? I know he wouldn't.

And as to Fox News. Phhfff! Garbage. I don't watch them anymore, unless it is to laugh at their pathetic reporting.

Wish I could say I never went to the movies. But I can’t, but I realized it was wrong, repented, stopped.

When the wife & I got out of the Air Force I turned down a good paying job in the bright light city, in order to move back to small town America. the wife & I talked it over, we though, if God gave us children, the bright light city, is not the place to raise them. We decided to give up the big money for the sake of any children we might have. No regrets at 65 going on 66. Lot chose the bright light city, notice the effect it had one him.

Ge 19:14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.

I notice today, people will go to where the money is, without no thought for the consequences on them or their children.

Lu 12:15 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Covetousness, abundance of possessions is the downfall for many. And of course, there’s bigger money to be had in the larger cities, yet great dangers comes with it.

I’ve mentioned both of theses things before, & some have been unhappy with my logic. Seems to much trouble, very inconvenient, to weed out such places, & go to places that do not sell the “Liquid Devil.’
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Guest Joshua Berndt

Mine in rich black color.

Alcohol is served or sold just about everywhere around here. If one avoided every place with alcohol they wouldn't even be able to buy gas for their car. I don't know of a single gas station in the area that doesn't sell alcohol anymore. I know of no one who would see a Christian go into a gas station and wonder if they were going in to buy alcohol. I am speaking of places like bars, restaurants, etc.

Bars and taverns, places whose main business is alcohol, we certainly avoid. Other than McDonald's and such, all food places serve alcohol to one extent or another. So should comfort and food preference determine truth? There are mexican restaurants I would like to got to, but I will not. All the grocery stores and gas stations sell alcohol. Same as above. I know of no one who would think that a Christian might be going into a grocery store to buy alcohol. Even Pizza Hut sells alcohol, though I've never seen anyone buy or drink alcohol while I've been there, which is usually only a few times a year. In our area, Pizza Hut does not sell alcohol, so I have gone on a few occasions. But where they do, I have plans to not go. My testimony is to be more important than my stomach.
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Guest Joshua Berndt

But the worldly Christians would argue and say that Jesus would hang out at bars to reach the lost.....of course I don't agree with that line of thinking.

My Parents have told me of an Evangelist(I think) who went to Bourbon Street in New Orleans. He would go inside of the "businesses" to give the gospel. The last they had heard, he had had an affair and ruined his ministry.
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Guest Joshua Berndt

That's what they say, but, of course, they are wrong. Jesus didn't "hang out" with sinners, Jesus took the Gospel to sinners, then moved on.

The question to ask the worldly Christian is what are they doing in the bar. Are they in the bar sharing the Gospel, calling lost sinners to repentance or are they in the bar to be entertained in some way?

The reason doesn't matter, really. They should never be there. Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: - Proverbs 23:20 KJV
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Guest Joshua Berndt

The ones that I've heard that from, unfortunately include my sister who still drinks on occasion. But according to her it's "ok," she's going to heaven because she's a good person and raised her kids well (and her sons are following her lead), and she's in the "right church" (Wisconsin Lutheran). I've tried to talk and give scriptural evidence, but I've been shut out (like the rest of my lost family has done to me and my wife).

I prayed for them. And you and your family. We should pray for them.
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Guest Joshua Berndt

I know what you mean. My sister thinks she's going to heaven because she was baptized years ago and she's "better than most people", besides, "no one can know her heart".

Have you given her verses on how baptism does not save? 1 Corinthians 1:17, etc?
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