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What Should Christians Watch/hear?

Guest Joshua Berndt

What should Christians watch/hear?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Christians watch/listen to movies/T.V./radio with foul language and sex/nudity or crude dialogue?

    • No foul language, sex/nudity or crude dialogue
    • No foul language, or sex/nudity
    • No sex/nudity
    • I am wrong, so I watch anything and come up with excuses!

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Mine in rich black color.

When someone sees a Christian at Pizza Hut they figure they are there for the pizza, not that they might have a pitcher of beer. I've never seen anyone with booze at Pizza Hut but it's available, just as it is at the grocery store and gas station that many people go to in order to buy such.

Other than places like McDonalds, I don't know of any eating places in the entire area that don't serve alcohol. In any event, going to Pizza Hut doesn't hurt anyones testimony, at least not around here. Not to mention, in this small town, everyone knows who does and doesn't drink alcohol, there really are very few secrets in a small town.
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Have you given her verses on how baptism does not save? 1 Corinthians 1:17, etc?

Yes, but she's not interested, after all, the church where she was baptized showed her Scripture and said it does mean she's saved. She's only interested in doing what she wants to do and figures either the heaven/hell thing isn't anything to be too concerned about or that she's covered anyway since she was baptized.

I hope she hasn't hardened her heart too much already and the Lord will send someone to her the Holy Ghost may use to bring her to Christ.
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Yes, but she's not interested, after all, the church where she was baptized showed her Scripture and said it does mean she's saved. She's only interested in doing what she wants to do and figures either the heaven/hell thing isn't anything to be too concerned about or that she's covered anyway since she was baptized.

I hope she hasn't hardened her heart too much already and the Lord will send someone to her the Holy Ghost may use to bring her to Christ.

My sister is the same. Tried to show her proper scripture and I was told to leave her alone and only her priest (Lutheran) or whomever can preach to her.

It's even worse with my parents and other siblings.....they don't want to hear one word.
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My sister is the same. Tried to show her proper scripture and I was told to leave her alone and only her priest (Lutheran) or whomever can preach to her.

It's even worse with my parents and other siblings.....they don't want to hear one word.

My Dad is the same way, he doesn't want to hear about it. I tried talking with him years ago but he seems to think like my sister, since he got baptized many years ago (only because my Mom did) he thinks that means he's probably okay, besides, he's not sure he believes all the Christian stuff anyway because he's known so many "good Christians" who were crooks, adulterers and such. He finally reached the point he told me he doesn't want to hear about it anymore, and my Dad's the type of man you don't cross once he's set his lines.

Neither my Dad nor my sister can stop me praying for them and requesting prayer for them though!
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My Dad is the same way, he doesn't want to hear about it. I tried talking with him years ago but he seems to think like my sister, since he got baptized many years ago (only because my Mom did) he thinks that means he's probably okay, besides, he's not sure he believes all the Christian stuff anyway because he's known so many "good Christians" who were crooks, adulterers and such. He finally reached the point he told me he doesn't want to hear about it anymore, and my Dad's the type of man you don't cross once he's set his lines.

Neither my Dad nor my sister can stop me praying for them and requesting prayer for them though!

And of course my family wants to point out my past (before I got saved and got right with God), saying I have no room to talk.

I'm with you, just keep praying for them.
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And of course my family wants to point out my past (before I got saved and got right with God), saying I have no room to talk.

I'm with you, just keep praying for them.

Yep, I've heard that too. They don't seem to grasp that whatever I did all those years ago has been washed in the blood of Christ, forgiven, and I'm no longer the same person now I was then. They also don't grasp the idea that it doesn't matter what is in anyones past, what matters is what they themselves do with Christ.

So, I keep praying.
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I've been told, your no angel!

The lost love to try and justify their not coming to Christ or thinking their "form" of religion or Christianity is good enough by pointing out that saved folks are not perfect.

For the most part, these are not open to the Gospel (at least not right now) so it's best to move on, praying the Lord will soften their hearts and send that someone to them the Holy Ghost may use to reach them.
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The lost love to try and justify their not coming to Christ or thinking their "form" of religion or Christianity is good enough by pointing out that saved folks are not perfect.

For the most part, these are not open to the Gospel (at least not right now) so it's best to move on, praying the Lord will soften their hearts and send that someone to them the Holy Ghost may use to reach them.

This is just MHO, of course all I post is 'only my humble opinion,'I believe with them saying, "Your no angel," That makes them feel better about their self. And perhaps they love to tear us down, discourage us, & try to make us hate Christ as they do, while trying to make us think we are not good Christians.

Another thing they seem to enjoy saying, "You think your so much better than everyone else, you need to come down off your pedestal."
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Guest Joshua Berndt

Yep, I've heard that too. They don't seem to grasp that whatever I did all those years ago has been washed in the blood of Christ, forgiven, and I'm no longer the same person now I was then. They also don't grasp the idea that it doesn't matter what is in anyones past, what matters is what they themselves do with Christ.

So, I keep praying.

It matters what Christ did for us.
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Guest Joshua Berndt

This is just MHO, of course all I post is 'only my humble opinion,'I believe with them saying, "Your no angel," That makes them feel better about their self. And perhaps they love to tear us down, discourage us, & try to make us hate Christ as they do, while trying to make us think we are not good Christians.

Another thing they seem to enjoy saying, "You think your so much better than everyone else, you need to come down off your pedestal."

I would guess that that is their burning conscience talking. They see you as more righteous than they, and it bothers them, and/or they see you as faking it. You know, "No one is really that righteous! He must be faking!"
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I think its a consequences for sins we've done in the past, & there will always be consequences for our sin. Its really nothing new, David suffered much consequences for His sins, & so will we.

And the closer we get to God, the more we may suffer such things, the old Devil uses anything he can find against us.

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I would guess that that is their burning conscience talking. They see you as more righteous than they, and it bothers them, and/or they see you as faking it. You know, "No one is really that righteous! He must be faking!"

In th early 90's I met a half brother for the 1st time. We hit it off for a little while after our 1st meeting, but them it went down hill. We were at his house, along with a half sister, an aunt, & two 1st cousins. We stayed with the half sister, & she drove us to his house that afternoon. We spent about 4 to 6 hours there.

At firs all was well, them I noticed he would get up and go out the side door. I finally realized he was going out to take a drink of his liquor, which My half sister already told me of his drinking problems. As the evening advanced he started wanting to talk about nightclubbing, bars, & fights, which he said I just love that life. Later he told me how his days went, in the morning the 1st thing he would do is buy a half pint of vodka, down it, them at dinner have another one, them after work stop & get a fifth, & generally it would be gone by bed time. That was his weekdays, on Saturday & Sunday he drank all day long. he had so many DUI's that he could never have another drivers license.

Because I did not drink, did not care about talking about bars, nightclubs, & fighting, he called me a do gooder.

The next afternoon he called my half sister house asking to talk with me, at 1st he apologized for that evening, & said I do have a problem with drinking, & I have had it for a number of years, them handed out his excuses.

At that time I thought he was probably at least half drunk, if not nearly fully drunk. I was quite nice to him, but I did tell him that Jesus could help him with this trouble, & he could get past it. he was receptive for a few minutes them told me, "I was right last night, your just another one of those do gooders, I have no time for do gooders, & hung up."

Half sister was setting there listening to my side of the conversation & said, "Jerry, there for a bit I thought he was going to listen to you. You handle it very well, do not blame your self, every one has tried to help him with no one getting anywhere."

I think there's many out there that sees us as nothing but do gooders, & that's all they want to see in us.
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Isn't it a shame that some one is looked down upon for doing good?! Isaiah 5:20 warns us of such things, but to actually see it applied nothing short of amazing. How can doing good be bad. My mind can't go there.

In much of my experience it seems the lost believe that once you profess to be a Christian, all your sins and struggles magically disappear and you should be just like Christ. As soon as I stumble in any area they are very quick to say "See, that Christianity doesn't work", or "Christians are all just a bunch of hypocrites". I think the hardest person to win to Christ is someone from your own family. Luke 4:24.

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Here is a related article that came out today:


Eventually, according to Gainor, this type of depravity will spill over into programming on broadcast television.

This is why my house has no connection to outside television (cable, dish, antenna, or rabbit ears). When I am exposed to television, even if the program itself is "decent" the commercials are indecent. I have no need for that filth in my house. I have enough issues without inviting more in to my own sanctuary.
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