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The Way It Was


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Not in our house today, now it is:

Wash on Monday, Tueday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. (all in a machine)
Iron never. My wife says a few crinkles never hurt anyone.
Mend never
Churn, I have made butter twice in the food processor.
Clean when we get around to it or when my granddaughter comes.
Bake in a breadmaker now and again, we mostly get shop bread when it looks nice, then freeze it.
Rest on Sunday. Now we are older we sleep most afternoons.

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I know it John, I keep hearing more & more people say they can be real good Christians, walk real close to Christ, & never have once darken the door of one of Jesus' churches.

They say there is just to many other very important things to do on Sundays than waste time attending church services.

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It's really something how many of those who say they can worship God on the golf course, hunting in the woods or fishing on the river say so as if they are somehow more righteous or holier than thou because they don't think they need to attend church.

No doubt, one can worship God in those places, but if looked at seriously and honestly, who is really worshipping God while trying to hit that ball into the cup or trying to get that deer or fish? Even if a fleeting moment of worship comes about (not likely with most), is that even close to the same of giving an hour or so of time specifically to gathering with believers in corporate worship and prayer as well as the edification of the Word of God being preached?

Some think it sounds pious to declare they are so close to God they don't need church, but that declaration is clear evidence they are in great need of faithful church attendance.

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I know it John, I keep hearing more & more people say they can be real good Christians, walk real close to Christ, & never have once darken the door of one of Jesus' churches.

Jerry, we live on a farm and we have sheep and goats. Every now and then, one of our sheep will wander out of the pen. I'll wake up in the morning or look out my window and there they'll be, bleating and walking around and around the pen, trying to find his way back intothe pen because he knows he's part of a flock and wants to be with the other sheep.

Our goats, on the other hand, are another story. When one of them gets out of the pen (there's a fallen tree they like to play on and I think they use that to jump over the fence), I have to go and track them down. They fight me every step of the way, too. They don't want to go back in the pen because goats tend to be solitary animals and don't really care about their herd.

People can be a lot like sheep and goats and the Bible makes a pretty frightening distinction between sheep and goats. Edited by Auburn88
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Jerry, we live on a farm and we have sheep and goats. Every now and then, one of our sheep will wander out of the pen. I'll wake up in the morning or look out my window and there they'll be, bleating and walking around and around the pen, trying to find his way back intothe pen because he knows he's part of a flock and wants to be with the other sheep.

Our goats, on the other hand, are another story. When one of them gets out of the pen (there's a fallen tree they like to play on and I think they use that to jump over the fence), I have to go and track them down. They fight me every step of the way, too. They don't want to go back in the pen because goats tend to be solitary animals and don't really care about their herd.

People can be a lot like sheep and goats and the Bible makes a pretty frightening distinction between sheep and goats.

Great analogy and a very good point!
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I live on a farm, but it has never hindered us attending church but only a very few times. Back in the day I would get up very early, get my work done, them take a bath, them go to church. Several times I had to do the same thing before evening services, & even go work after evening services, taking another bath before going to bed.

And when you've got a mud home in the drive-way, & you keep getting stuck in it every time you head to church, its time to fix the drive-way.

If one wants & excuse, it can be found.

And yes, there are excuses, but you best be sure its acceptable to the Lord, the lord should be in the # 1 position.

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