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little boy's definition of forgiveness


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Lu 23:33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
Lu 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

blossom, I've got a woman that attends out church that's uncle & aunt were murdered by a neighbor. They found them dead on a Saturday afternoon, we got a call about 6:30 PM I suppose. We went & stayed with them standing outside while the investigation was going on until late that night, finally leaving for we had to be at church that morning.

I can't imagine what something like that is like even though I saw what this woman went through that night and for the next several months, but we do know that Jesus knows what it is like. It amazes me each time I read the above verses, Jesus asking His Father to forgive those when were murdering him by hanging Him on the cross.

Its really not natural for a human to forgive, I believe its natural for a human to get even. I feel to that we can forgive when necessary, but not without Jesus' help. With His help I believe we can do whatever is necessary, whatever we are called to do, if we have the faith.

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You are absolutely right, my Pastor has spoken to me of this many times on an issue I struggle with. He asks me has the person done anything worse than the sin I committed to put Christ on the cross. Of course nothing someone else has done to me is as bad as me (my sin) putting my Lord and saviour to such a death. It has helped so much to remind myself of this over and over again. I don't believe it is natural for us to forgive either it's why Christ dealt with it as much as he did. He knew it would be hard because of the hardness of our hearts and the pride we all have.

I love the saying you quoted and will put it on my kitchen window next to the forgiveness scripture I have up. It is truly a beautiful saying!

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It is a beautiful saying. A woman writes an article for a Christian newspaper that is named, "I Wish I Said That," or something close to that. That sums up how I felt about that young boys definition of forgiveness.

Of course as I read it reminded me of when I was young & had to mow our yard. I received many scolding because I mowed down grandmother's pretty flowers! Of course at that age they were just something that made mowing the yard much more diffcult.

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