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An Observation at a VA Hospital


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A week ago tomorrow I had cataract surgery, & spent 3 days in Shreveport & around the VA hospital. I want to mention something the wife and I have observed & put to the test.

For the most part black people around the VA are friendlier than white people, we 1st noticed this a few weeks back when checking my eyes and getting an appointment for surgery I just had.

So during this time being around the VA hospital we took special notice while trying to speak to everyone, the majority of white people seemed to ignore us, the majority of black people were friendly generally speaking back to us and open to conversation. I'm not saying none of the white people were friendly for they were, yet most seemed to want to ignore everyone around them and be in a hurry.

The morning of the surgery I talked quite a bit with one black man,. Joel, prior to surgery, them on my follow up appointment the next day we again had a long conversation. When parting he said, "If we happen to have our appointments at the same time I want to carry you and your wife out to eat."

But the main thing I want to mention is something else Joel stated, "If anyone does not have a job, its their fault, there's many opportunities for our young people, and plenty of opportunity for them to get a college education. The large majority of those that have no job, its their fault. They are either too lazy, and or feel they are to good to take on a real job, all they want is a position with handouts from our government."

Joel spent 20 years in the army, his father spent 20 years in the navy, his son is now in the navy thinking about making a careers out of it. Joel spent a bit over 20 years working civil service.

I believe Joel is a very smart man, and like many of us Americas getting tired of the loafers, those that try to get by on handouts, feeling they're to good to work at a real job while earning a real pay check.

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Good story and I seen in my life several people that were able to work but they lived on ssi and food stamps and all. I know one that just got on ssi because he could not think straight and he wanted to be lazy. I keep on telling people i am disabled for mental problems and some physical issues however, if I would get better and got offered a job or two I would take them.

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