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brother-in-law gone wild

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Linda's oldest brother's wife's brother went wild several years ago. At one time he was in church, even the song leader, dedicate, him and wife were in church every time services were held. But somewhere along the way he left the good path. He divorce his wife, his wife was my wife's 1st cousin.

Got involved in dope. He remarried, had a son, through the years he had quite a bit of mild troubles, got into it with the IRS for not paying taxes. The thing is he brought his son into this type of life. Last year I believe it was they got arrested, yet though a loophole they got off. I might add, his son is not the only one he has dragged into this stuff, Linda and I feel he has influence many to take this path.

This past Monday he and his son were traveling down a highway, a state trooper tried to stop him for driving on the shoulder the chase was on. The father was driving, he turned off the main highway, with all the rain, flooding, that was a poor choice. The last his son saw him he was in the water holding onto a log going down stream, has not been seen since, and they're still searching for him.

You can read about it here. & here.

Amazing what sin does, yet many of us play with it daily.

Nu 32:23 "...be sure your sin will find you out."

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So true, it would not surprise me if the son lied about seeing his father floating down stream holding to a log. And he is now somewhere trying to hide from the law. Last year he, his son, and a several others were arrested for stolen property, felons with guns, having meth and marijuana with intent to sell.

I guarantee you, he thinks he is right, and everyone else is wrong, and they are just out to get him.

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