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POstal Food drive


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On May 14th all fifty states will participate in the Postal food drive.Fr about 19 years the mailmaman has been picking up bags of canned & boxed food to give to the food bank in Honor of Mather's Day on te second saturday in May. If you live in a small city call your post office to see if the toen or city you live at is participating inthe food drive. You can leavethe food nextto the mail box or in a spot hen the poastal drive can see it or you can take bags of food to the post office. a few days prior to the food drive. Last year our food bank added food that was donated to the food bank atthe time of the poastal food drive to what was donated. Verily, verily I ay untothee inasmuch as you have done ittothe least of tese my bretheren you have done it to Me

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Thanks for the reminder for this great cause that the NALC and the Postal Service has put on for years. I am a daughter of a retired postal worker letter carrier and he is involved with the NALC. I have helped this great causes several times in the passed. I will be going through my cubburds next week to set things out for my mail man. The food from this last several weeks to a month.

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