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Silence of The Wolves


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Since having so many victories for their sexual preference agenda, homosexuals have grown quiet. The last we heard was Obama's Justice Department would no longer defend the law: Defense of Marriage Act. Recent major victories under Obama and the pro-liberal congress include the Hate Crimes Legislation and Repeal of DADT. Now they are quiet and with good reason, if there is no conversation then, there is no opposition. The press and TV media are quiet, you hear nothing about homosexuals and their agenda.

They are organized, they want you to forget the gains they've made. I assure you they are planning the next assault while awaiting the apathy to occur and their recent gains to be normalized. What will their next move be? Are you even concerned?

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Their aim is full legal recogniztion, with special legal protections, for homosexuality to be called normal, for homosexual "marriage" to be a national "right", and for all opposition to homosexuality to be silenced by law.

Which piece of that puzzle will be next in their carnal mosaic? I'm guessing it will be this...marriage. Edited by 1Tim115
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Agreed. If they can get homosexual marriage legalized in enough states, eventually it will be ruled that such must be made legal nationally. Once they have accomplished that, the rest of the legal standings and special protections will fall into place.

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Homosexual couples have property rights as married couples & take over the property without inheritance tax on the death of one.

Related carers (parent/child or siblings) have no such rights. The tax becomes due, & the carer loses the home as the tax must be paid.

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Homosexual couples have property rights as married couples & take over the property without inheritance tax on the death of one.

Related carers (parent/child or siblings) have no such rights. The tax becomes due, & the carer loses the home as the tax must be paid.

I have just recveived our 2011 Census document to fill in. Question 4 asks if I an single, married or in a same sex civil partnership. I will refuse to answer that , and may refuse to fill in any of it on the grounds that they are suggesting that I mat=y be a sodomite. But I see that completion is compulsory and I can be fined if I don't fill it in.
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