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I am moving to Winston Salem, NC in December. We will be closing on a new home on the morning of 12/10 and I need to unload the moving truck in the afternoon. If you live in the area and would be willing to help us unload the truck, please let me know.

Thank you,
Pastor J

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I am moving to Winston Salem, NC in December. We will be closing on a new home on the morning of 12/10 and I need to unload the moving truck in the afternoon. If you live in the area and would be willing to help us unload the truck, please let me know.

Thank you,
Pastor J

Love to but we are several thousand miles away. If you move to Whitstable, I'd be glad to help. :)

Anyway, every blessing in your new home.
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I am moving to Winston Salem, NC in December. We will be closing on a new home on the morning of 12/10 and I need to unload the moving truck in the afternoon. If you live in the area and would be willing to help us unload the truck, please let me know.

Thank you,
Pastor J

Bro., I might would be able to help you. I live about an hour from Winston. It would depend on how my work goes that day.
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I am moving to Winston Salem, NC in December. We will be closing on a new home on the morning of 12/10 and I need to unload the moving truck in the afternoon. If you live in the area and would be willing to help us unload the truck, please let me know.

Thank you,
Pastor J

What are you going to be doing in "The Camel City?" I grew up not too far from there, just outside Greensboro! Are you taking a church there, or going "on staff" somewhere? I'm curious, due to my connection with the area. Thanks!
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I have taken a jOB as a payroll analyst for Pepsi. I pray one day the Lord will put me back in the ministry, but right now, he has me doing something different. We will be living about 3 miles from Gospel Light Baptist Church, right off of 158.

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