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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I’ve been attending a Southern Baptist Spanish church for sometime now, I am a independent Baptist, and bilingual, I notice that the last 2 pastors preaching great messages but are not doing altar calls, like they should be doing, being the Baptist church SHC and it’s teachings. You may ask me, why are you not going to an independent Spanish Baptist church? Well, there’s not many of those around. I do attend both for my wife sake, she prefers attending a Spanish service for now. I also attend and listen to the IBC preaching in English. My questions is, why are pastors preaching and not asking visitors or members, if they will like to accept Jesus Christ for Salvation. This is happening more in the SBC, that I have listened to. Not all SBC churches, but many. I ask, because if people are coming near to God, but not getting Saved, no need for baptisms anymore too.
  2. But, we can say that Mary, was pregnant by the spirit of God, with no contact. The spirit of the evil devil, or Satan, in the garden was limited to these powers of planting a seed, in Eve. Getting her pregnant
  3. I said no, why would you think that. He mentioned that part of his seed, and Eve. I told him, that the Bible would have told us plainly. If he did touch her. Note: if the title topic is too strong, it could be changed. Or reworded thanks TGL
  4. I guess this is where the good old Obamacare, kicks in.
  5. I just retired, and I had great news. I can continue with my health plan through cobra for only $867 a month. This means, I have to go work full-time again, to pay my health plan.
  6. Confused my friend ? you have not seen nothing yet. https://theconversation.com/amp/what-is-a-ufo-the-us-shot-down-three-mysterious-objects-as-interest-and-concern-increase-over-unidentified-craft-199855
  7. I remember, listening to preaching where during the second coming, the rapture of the Saints. Christians are removed from this earth, the nonbelievers, saying that it was the UFOs. The balloon activities we are seeing now, are having people think, and search for UFOs again. The lost preparation, for the removal of the Saints.
  8. It must be a love day for nonbelievers. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  9. My next question, are there any Christian colleges out there, that teaches Christians are to vote for Democrats, for they favor more the Christian belief, and agendas. I don’t think so.
  10. In the future voting, voting for the one, that is less evil should be a sin. I haven’t heard any preachers say this, but maybe it’s because it is not too popular.
  11. I believe Republicans that voted for these things, I mentioned above are not truly Republicans, but moderate or liberal Republicans. I cannot say the same thing for a Christian Democrat, for the party is known for its liberal choices, and lifestyle. It’s a very touchy subject for Christians, today churches are starting to accept gay marriages, so there is much confusion going on. Republicans are not angels, and there are many moderates that need to be removed from this party. The Republican party supposed to be conservative. We are getting closer to the days we’re Christians shouldn’t vote at all. For we are becoming the minority party, with no power at all. Sad
  12. You are correct not all, but the Christians that vote for this president, supports this.
  13. Folks, I really don’t understand how a Christian, can be a Democrat today, for they support abortions, and gay marriages, transgender’s in our mighty military, and the legal use of marijuana and more. Thank you E. Morales with the glory land.
  14. It has been a while, and they haven’t come back to visit me. Maybe my silence, made them nervous.
  15. I believe there are more lukewarm people and churches today, than in 2004. Many liberal new Christian’s will not agree. Everything is going to be just fine, for them. For they are blind spiritually.
  16. How do you know this, did you have a dream, did your pastor approve you to become one. Maybe you wanted to be married to the pastor daughter. Because you heard a voice from heaven. You said, I might as well, I went to, and finish Bible College. You thought it would be a easy way of living. Can you share with me, what is a true calling into becoming a great preacher for the Lord? How did you know...
  17. I will not answer to either of you this question, for it comes from an evil heart.
  18. I respectfully open the door and listen to her and a gentleman that was with her. I listened for a couple minutes, she asked me, will I take this flyer, I said okay. I'll take it she asked me if she can come again another day, I said I will consider it, I did not argue with her for she was an elder with a cane. I did respect what she was trying to do and today I only stayed quiet and listened, did I sin today by staying quiet?
  19. This is not impossible, but not easy to do. For they know to much, and they are smarter than you and me.
  20. Some might ask, can they get saved? of course they can, What I believe is happening, is that you can openly see their sins. They cannot see yours or mine, but when it comes to evangelizing God Words, the Holy Spirit does all the work, and the changing, not us, so our job is to preach the Word and share the free gift of salvation, not looking at the outward appearance. For we all fall short.
  21. If you give a man fish three days in a row, the 4th day he’ll be waiting for fish. But if we give him fish the first day with a fishing pole and bait, and teach him how to fish. This way he can earn it. If you give a Christian or nonbelievers freedom, you have to show them how to appreciate it, and how to use it. Not to waste it.
  22. Is this just a coincidence? I asked my youth children, which are Young adults now. Have you heard any world news or local news lately? One said I don’t like hearing news. Other said, not interested most of it is just fake news. I asked do you know what’s happening in China, Taiwan, or in Israel, Ukraine the USA? Did you know what Biden just signed? Sad to say, even the Christian youth can care less about any local or world news. This applies Just to me right now, or maybe to yours, but if the youth are the future what’s going to happen pretty soon..
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