Keeping faithful members is a hard thing to do these days. What are pastors doing differently to keep them, besides preaching the true gospel? I know some churches higher them as workers, but those that don’t work in the church. How do you keep them from leaving. Some pastors say it’s out of their hands, but I believe there is something you can do to keep them, coming back. I know this may sound weird, but have you ever visit them? How about asking them for their phone number and giving them a call once in a while, I believe this can help. Some might say my job is to preach the gospel and attend my sheep, but here only, in the church building. Some give up with members that stop attending services, and don’t even do a follow up. This is not my job to do. One time, a young man said to his father, my girlfriend don’t wanna see me anymore and the father said to his son, Son there is more fishes in the ocean. I guess this could apply to members also.