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The KJV Issue ? Faith Vs. Facts

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[quote="Trotter "]
All I ask is to be allowed the same freedom and liberty that you have, and that to choose.

You see you can choose what Bible you want to use, but for us we let God do the choosing (what Bible is His) and we did the accepting.

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[quote="Trotter "]All I ask is to be allowed the same freedom and liberty that you have, and that to choose.

You see you can choose what Bible you want to use, but for us we let God do the choosing (what Bible is His) and we did the accepting.[/quote]

I like that response and I'm JEALOUS that "IIIIIIIIiI"didn't come up with it first! :lol:

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[quote][b]Just for the sake of logic and dealing with faith and the facts, do you have any problem with God "forcing" His faith upon you?[/b]

No, Ricky. And I am offended by what you are hinting at.

All I ask is to be allowed the same freedom and liberty that you have, and that to choose.[/quote]

Same old attitude, huh, Trotter? I didn't "hint" at anything, so your being offended is born in selfishness.I have dealt with this "trait" of the emotional crowd many times before; "GET OVER IT!" :o :lol: :shock: :frog

If you are so EEEEEEEEEEEASILY offended, GROW-UP! :mrgreen:

Your asking the same "freedom" to choose is a modernists mandate, but God never really gave us any choice that didn't have reprocussions, but that all began with the serpent, because there really was no reason to HAVE to choose before Genesis 3:1.

Now if you think I'm "hinting" at something there? Well, NO! It was an outright STATEMENT.

God told Adam.... then the serpent came along and said, "Here are the choices" :mad:

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One last respoonse to this thread; I really don't think anyone's faith ought to be pitted against the facts. Our faith is built upon the facts.

When one wants to introduce what they call facts,that is where the big debate comes in, BUT the rational mind has to resort to the facts of agreement with what are considerable facts, that is the ONLY way that the facts are established, and our faith is therefore substanciated by the HARD-COLD- F A C T S!

That is why the modern propogationist needs to come to that same realization that we who hold to the Bible as defined by what is found in the MSS that supports the Received Text, know as the least contradicting "FACTS".

I'm notsure, but I do believ my suspicions are justfied that the introduction to the intial post was NOT a plea for wisdom, simplybecause the title pttedfaith against the facts : "Faith vs Facts" :roll:

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Hi brother Craig. Thanks for this post comparing the NWT to the modern bogus bibles like the NASB,NIV, RSV, ESV and even the NKJV. Good stuff. I copied it for further use. And by they way, I do not mind the paste thingy at all. I agree with you. If you had typed it out word for word instead of pasting what you had previously written, would it make any difference? Of course not. Trotter is just another multi-versionist bible agnostic with no complete, inspired and 100% true Bible to give to anyone - unless of course he by chance gives a King James Bible to somebody even though he himself does not believe it to be the pure words of God.

Will K

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