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Advanced Revelation

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Watch out, Katy-Anne. I've posted links to articles by Dr. Gipp before and people here just tear them apart. :wink Of course I agree with Dr. Gipp, I've heard him preach on this topic SO many times, but I doubt very many people here will listen to him. :smile

When you boil it all down, the real underlying issue to this topic is final authority. If someone thinks the KJB isn't as good as something before it, then they have an excuse to not listen to it if it says something they don't like.

I'd rather be guilty of holding to the King James Bible as the absolute authority in all matters of faith and practice, than be guilty of doubting the authority of it (even if it's the slightest doubt - such as: a "translation" isn't better than the original ...or a "translation" isn't as good as the original).

For most of us here, it has nothing to do with final authority. Most here regard the Bible as the final word for faith and practice. The problem that we have is when it comes to making the KJV reinspired, better than the Greek and Hebrew or anything else that is not Biblical. The problem with the KJVO idea is that it is, in fact, adding to God's Word.
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This, in and of itself, is not evidence for your position. That would be like saying "the Qu'ran is true, and perfect, and inspired, because it is the Qu'ran." This statement is not considered valid proof. Why do we consider the Bible to be true? Because of archeological evidence, internal evidence, scientific evidence, and other evidences that prove the Bible to be true on a consistent basis. The Qu'ran is rightly discarded because it cannot meet any of these requirements. Merely claiming the KJV to be true because it is the KJV is a logical fallacy, and cannot be considered proof.

Is the Qu
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Whoa, the KJVO position adds to God's Word? I believe you are wrong, sir. The KJVO position just believes the Bible absolutely, and believes that God is not the author of confusion, therefore He would only inspire one Book in our language.

If you were truly seeking answers about the KJVO position, you would not be asking people online. You'd be reading books by people who have spent years studying our position, such as Final Authority by Dr. Bill Grady, or any of Dr. Gipp's books. (I could recommend some of Ruckman's books, but I doubt you'd even touch those, lol) Internet talk is cheap, reading books shows a true desire to obtain knowledge.

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Whoa, the KJVO position adds to God's Word? I believe you are wrong, sir. The KJVO position just believes the Bible absolutely, and believes that God is not the author of confusion, therefore He would only inspire one Book in our language.

If you were truly seeking answers about the KJVO position, you would not be asking people online. You'd be reading books by people who have spent years studying our position, such as Final Authority by Dr. Bill Grady, or any of Dr. Gipp's books. (I could recommend some of Ruckman's books, but I doubt you'd even touch those, lol) Internet talk is cheap, reading books shows a true desire to obtain knowledge.

Well, actually it does add to the Bible because advanced revelation or reinspiration cannot be shown in Scripture. To teach it as such adds to God's Word. The last revelation from God was in the book of Revelation. God stopped giving revelation after that point. It is unbiblical to say that He did when it is clearly not so in the Bible.

It's not about whether I am seeking answers about the KJVO position. I already know the position. I disagree with it. Those books are written by KJVO's, they would hardly be unbiased observations. :saint But as I said, I already know the arguments for it. And I disagree with it. And I have older men(even older than Ruckman and Gipp) that I respect that don't believe in the KJVO position either. :wink
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There are lots of older men that believe heresy, while some of the younger men believe the truth. Just because someone is older doesn't mean he's right.

Oh well, it's your right to believe whatever you want to believe.

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Whoa, the KJVO position adds to God's Word? I believe you are wrong, sir. The KJVO position just believes the Bible absolutely, and believes that God is not the author of confusion, therefore He would only inspire one Book in our language.

If you were truly seeking answers about the KJVO position, you would not be asking people online. You'd be reading books by people who have spent years studying our position, such as Final Authority by Dr. Bill Grady, or any of Dr. Gipp's books. (I could recommend some of Ruckman's books, but I doubt you'd even touch those, lol) Internet talk is cheap, reading books shows a true desire to obtain knowledge.

I believe the King James Bible is the holy Word of God. I believe it is inspired. The reason I believe this is because a holy God preserved it. The translators themselves were not inspired! God preserved His Word perfectly. To say that there is anything more in the King James Bible than was in the originals is to say that God did not preserve His Word perfectly for all people...wow this sounds so familiar since I just said it yesterday, but it never got addressed... saying that God didn't perfectly preserve His Word to all generations is saying that God is a liar. I believe we have a perfect Bible because God preserved it. What I hold in my hands right now is the same as what you'd find in the originals. Kathie, as far as blasting at people for seeking out answers online is wrong. What are half the people doing on this website? Discussing truth and doctrine. That is what it is here for. Just because someone doesn't read the same books that you do doesn't make them insincere about seeking truth. I have read the Final Authority and The Answer Book by Sam Gipp, but I don't base my faith on anything those men say. God said He preserved His Word perfectly in its entirety to ALL generations! Therefore I have His perfect WORD, but so did people living before the King James Bible came around.
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Kathie, I realize that people do not like what Bro Gipp says but that doesn't mean he didn't write a good defense that is far better than anything I can come up with. I doubt I am going to change anybody's mind here, but this discussion has been good for me. If anyone truly wants to know answers, they can access the information about it without me knowing whether they did or didn't.


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Kathie, I realize that people do not like what Bro Gipp says but that doesn't mean he didn't write a good defense that is far better than anything I can come up with. I doubt I am going to change anybody's mind here, but this discussion has been good for me. If anyone truly wants to know answers, they can access the information about it without me knowing whether they did or didn't.


Well, if it's helping you, that's good. Sometimes I think discussions like this are kinda useless because many people in these discussions won't change, and they just come here to mock at people that disagree with them. Instead of helping me, it just makes me frustrated. I've been reading more books lately and I've learned a lot more out of a book than I could ever learn on the internet.

The only good thing it's done for me is that it's motivated me to study more to defend what I believe, just in case anyone directly challenges me.

Kathie, as far as blasting at people for seeking out answers online is wrong. What are half the people doing on this website? Discussing truth and doctrine. That is what it is here for. Just because someone doesn't read the same books that you do doesn't make them insincere about seeking truth.

Well I still believe internet talk is cheap and I'd rather learn from a book than the internet. I didn't say anyone was insincere because they didn't read the same books I do. I said that if they want to know more about what I believe, they should read those books because that's where I learned a lot about the KJVO issue.
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Whoa, the KJVO position adds to God's Word? I believe you are wrong, sir. The KJVO position just believes the Bible absolutely, and believes that God is not the author of confusion, therefore He would only inspire one Book in our language.

If you were truly seeking answers about the KJVO position, you would not be asking people online. You'd be reading books by people who have spent years studying our position, such as Final Authority by Dr. Bill Grady, or any of Dr. Gipp's books. (I could recommend some of Ruckman's books, but I doubt you'd even touch those, lol) Internet talk is cheap, reading books shows a true desire to obtain knowledge.

A book is biased toward a particular viewpoint. Internet discussion lets all viewpoints be tested against the facts.

And proves advanced revelation to be heretical. :frog
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Sometimes I think discussions like this are kinda useless because many people in these discussions won't change, and they just come here to mock at people that disagree with them.

That goes both ways. We have some people who arrogantly believe (see what I mean, haha) that the English KJV is the only perfect Bible in the world and others who scratch their head in confusion because they are accused of not being KJVO when that is the only Bible they will ever choose to read.
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That goes both ways. We have some people who arrogantly believe (see what I mean, haha) that the English KJV is the only perfect Bible in the world and others who scratch their head in confusion because they are accused of not being KJVO when that is the only Bible they will ever choose to read.

Speaking of which, I think Will's questions still need responding to.

It's also rather frustrating to debate an issue with somebody who both holds and doesn't hold two contradictory positions simultaneously. Schroedinger, anyone?
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