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Paul Chappell: The Christian Leader’s Soul: Spiritual Leadership Podcast

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Spiritual-Leadership-Podcast-Still-1024xAs we serve in ministry, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of preaching, leading, and managing daily tasks, but what happens when our soul is depleted? What do you do when the passion that once fueled your ministry is buried under the weight of schedules, expectations, and even discouragement?

In this new episode of the Spiritual Leadership Podcast, I’m joined by my son Larry as we discuss the health of a pastor’s soul. We look at the importance of prioritizing your walk with God, the challenges pastors and ministry leaders face today, and the practical steps to renewing and replenishing the heart, mind, and body. Giving attention to your soul is essential for anyone in ministry who wants to stay spiritually vibrant and effective.

If you’ve ever felt the weight of ministry pressures or found yourself running on empty, I pray this episode will provide both encouragement and practical insight.

(If you cannot view this video in your email or RSS reader, click here.)

Throughout this episode, we discuss the following topics:

0:30 – The essential nature of a pastor’s walk with God
2:03 – Causes of depletion in ministry
6:48 – The balance between the front stage and backstage
9:46 – Renewing the heart, mind, and body
13:00 – Practical steps for renewal

If this episode of the Spiritual Leadership Podcast was a blessing to you, please share it with a friend and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. You can subscribe to future episodes via Apple Podcasts or YouTube.

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