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Christ is the one I proclaim

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The gospel is not something. The gospel is someone. The gospel is not an idea, a concept, not even a biblical theme. The gospel is a person, the person of Jesus, the Christ. It is the good news about Him. He is the essence, substance, and content of the gospel. I am not afraid of the names attributed to me and i am not giving up. Con artist, liar, scammer, thief etc. No one can deviate me from my salvation. If i am alive today, it is by the grace and mercy of Christ and not any individual.  When i came on to Christian sites, my primary intention was to look for help and better my life. I realized that the whole idea about Christian love is a stage. I have been judge and sentencey the Christian world. Even as i no longer ask for assistance from anyone for a very long time, people still find time to mock at me and making me feel worthless.  People make me believe i am the only sinner in the planet. I am a sinner. You making fun of me everyday, you who have never sin, i am praying for you. Paul emphasizes in several passages of his epistles that he preached “Christ crucified [the crucified Messiah]” (1 Corinthians 1:23); he announced “Jesus Christ as Lord” (2 Corinthians 4:5); and Christ was the ONE he proclaimed (Colossians 1:28). I recognize Jesus Christ as lord and not human. This is also true of other early Christ-followers as portrayed in the New Testament. They preached Christ, and Him alone. All instances of gospel preaching from Acts 2 to 28 emphasize Christ as the subject of the preaching of early Christians. In all their gospel preaching, they sought to showcase Christ in the strongest terms possible. 

Accordingly, the gospel is not health and wealth. Admittedly, the gospel can prosper those who accept it and become disciples of Christ. The gospel is the life-generating and power-releasing narrative of the life of Jesus Christ that culminates in His eternal and cosmic reign as Lord of lords and King of kings. This grand, unique, and unmatched narrative of Christ, when proclaimed under the power of the Holy Spirit, brings about salvation to those who pay allegiance to Him. The proclamation of Christ to reveal Him to and form Him in the lives of recipients of the gospel is the measure of true gospel preaching. In this light, if your gospel does not emphasize Christ, if your gospel is about yourself  and if your gospel is judging others, you are preaching another gospel. Preaching the gospel is always preaching Christ, nothing else.

I read in a comment under a post that someone is hoping I repent. Of course it is my wish to seek righteousness. No one knows me. No one knows my situation, no one know what I experience and I am experiencing daily before I openly asked for help. No one knows how much I swallowed my pride, how much I ignored the stigma, using my real information, posting my identification documents and exposing my personal information to the whole world. No one knows how much I regret ever sharing that on the internet because with that, I have not received the help I needed so much but intimidation and bullying. 

I wonder while today that I no longer post about help and stop posting about some personal issues. People still find time to talk ill about me. I do more of reading and learning on here than asking for assistance as before. I post more or prayer requests for you chose to pray for me or not.

I am already used to my situation. I am learning to be happy against all odds. I am learning to entrust everything to Christ alone. I am learning to lean on Christ and no one else.

Love and prayers

Happy Sunday

Hebrews 12:1-2


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