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List of King James Bible Translators


The Full List of Translators


    • Archbishop Richard Bancroft

    • Thomas Bilson
    • Miles Smith

    • John Bois
    • Andrew Downes
    • John Harmar

    • Lancelot Andrewes (Director)
    • William Bedwell
    • Francis Burleigh
    • Richard Clerke
    • Geoffrey King
    • John Leifield
    • John Overall
    • Hadrian Saravia
    • Richard Thompson
    • Robert Tighe

    • Edward Lively (Director)
    • Roger Andrewes
    • Andrew Bing
    • Laurence Chaderton
    • Francis Dillingham
    • William Eyre
    • Thomas Harrison
    • John Richardson
    • Robert Spaulding


    • John Harding (Director)
    • Richard Brett
    • Richard Fairclough
    • Daniel Featley
    • Thomas Holland
    • Richard Kilby
    • John Reynolds
    • Miles Smith
    • William Thorne
    • John Duport (Leader)
    • John Bois
    • William Branthwaite
    • Andrew Downes
    • Jeremiah Radcliffe
    • Robert Ward
    • Samuel Ward

    • Thomas Ravis (Leader)
    • George Abbot
    • John Aglionby
    • Richard Edes
    • John Harmar
    • Leonard Hutton
    • James Montegue
    • John Perrinne
    • Ralph Ravens
    • Henry Savile
    • Giles Thomson


    • William Barlow (Leader)
    • William Dakins
    • Nicholas Felton
    • Roger Fenton
    • Ralph Hutchinson
    • Arthur Lake
    • Nicholas Love
    • Michael Rabbett
    • George Ryves
    • Thomas Sanderson
    • John Spencer

      Thomas Sparke

      Robert Barker

    • John Speed (Genealogies, Map)
    • Cornelis Boel (Artist/Engraver)
    • John More (Map)
    • Renold Elstrack (Engraver)
    • Hugh Broughton (Genealogies)
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D. A. Waite

D. A. Waite

Donald A. (D. A.) Waite is pastor of Bible For Today, an Independent Baptist Church in Collingswood, New Jersey, a leading spokesman for the authority of the King James Version of the Bible, and author of numerous books explaining this position. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in classical Greek and Latin from the University of Michigan in 1948, a Master of Theology in New Testament Greek Literature and Exegesis from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1952, an M.A. in Speech from Southern Methodist University in 1953, a Doctor of Theology in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1955, and a Ph.D. in Speech from Purdue University in 1961.

He has been a teacher in the areas of Greek, Hebrew, Bible, Speech, and English for over thirty-five years in nine schools, including one junior high, one senior high, three Bible institutes, two colleges, two universities, and one seminary. He served his country as a Navy Chaplain for five years on active duty; pastored two churches; was Chairman and Director of the Radio and Audio-Film Commission of the American Council of Christian Churches; since 1971, has been Founder, President, and Director of The Bible For Today; since 1978, has been President of the Dean Burgon Society; has produced over 700 other studies, booklets, cassettes, or VCR's on various topics; and is heard on both a five-minute daily and thirty-minute weekly radio program in defense of traditional Bible texts, presently on 25 stations. Dr. and Mrs. Waite have been married since 1948; they have four sons, one daughter, and (at present) eight grandchildren.



Defense of Textus Receptus

During the first 100 years after the New Testament was written, the greatest corruptions took place to the Received Text used by the early church. The Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus and 43 another manuscripts are the result of such corruptions. Some of the heretics operated in this period.[1] Westcott and Hort used these corrupted manuscript to his New Testament. They made 5 604 changes to the Textus Receptus, 1 952 of these Waite found to be omissions, 467 to be additions, and 3 185 to be changes.[2]

Historical evidences for the priority of the Textus Receptus:[3]

Manuscript evidences:[4]

Personal Conviction and Belief

“It is my own personal conviction and belief, after studying this subject since 1971, that the words of the Received Greek and Masoretic Hebrew texts that underlie the King James Bible are the very words which God has preserved down through the centuries, being the exact words of the originals themselves. As such, I believe they are inspired words.” D. A. Waite. - (Defending the King James Bible, pp. 48–49.)

Dr. D.A. Waite stated:

“In 1881, two theological heretics (posing as conservatives) from the Anglican Church (Church of England), Westcott and Hort, published their Greek text that rejected the Textus Receptus in 5,604 places by my actual count. This included 9,970 Greek words that were either added, subtracted, or changed from the Textus Receptus. This involves, on the average, 15.4 words per page of the Greek New Testament, or a total of 45.9 pages in all. It is 7% of the total of 140,521 words in the Textus Receptus Greek New Testament.” D. A. Waite. - (Defending the King James Bible, p 41.)

Waite and BJU

Waite's son, D. A. Waite, Jr., is a graduate of Bob Jones University.

Waite, Sr has recently begun expressing his views about how BJU does not uphold the King James Only position, and does not subscribe to his views on the textual history of the Bible. See, for example, an open letter to the school's president. Waite also authored BJU's Errors on Bible Preservation.


Waite both writes original material, and republishes hard-to-find, out-of-print material, especially from the 19th century figure Dean Burgon.

Notable publications:

  • The Four-Fold Superiority of The King James Version is a presentation of his basic position, also available online.

See Also


  • 1. D. A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible (New Jersey, 2004), p. 45.
  • 2. D. A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible (New Jersey, 2004), p. 41.
  • 3. D. A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible (New Jersey, 2004), pp. 45-46, 56
  • 4. D. A. Waite, Defending the King James Bible (New Jersey, 2004), pp. 54-56.

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