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Goodbye to Sunday evening services

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5 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

I once belonged to an IFB that specifically chose not to have Sunday evening services and encouraged home fellowships in their stead so that the congregation could get to know each other better on a more personal basis. While this approach is certainly not for everyone, it did have its merits. My wife and I were new to IFB at the time and these more personal gatherings allowed us to grow much quicker than otherwise "I think". It was through one such gathering that my wife finally conceded to Homeschool our children, seeing how well it worked for others and how it was not beyond her grasp if she had the Lord by her side.

Our current church had to forego all in church gatherings for several months back when COVID first reared its ugly head mainly because we are in New York where the government is easily moved to be rather draconian. We did have regular services online during that time, and our pastor also set up regular Zoom gatherings during the week where we could all get together and fellowship. As soon as it was possible we got back into the church proper, though, and that is by far the best situation.

Personally I think all this COVID nonsense is just another means Satan is using to divide and conquer (as I believe this very topic attests to). It has pulled people out of the church and, for some, weakened their faith. It has made many people fearful of others and reluctant to gather. Satan knows that individually we are easier to pick off, and it makes for a much weaker church, which leads to a weaker godly presence in the community; especially now when our communities need that godly presence most.

Sad. Pray.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of themMT 18:19-20  


Welcome aboard. I look forward to hearing more from you.

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