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Anonymous Poem


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He who wept above the grave,

He who stilled the raging wave,

Meek to suffer, strong to save,

He shall come in glory!


He who sorrow's pathway trod,

He that every good bestowed—

Son of Man and Son of God—

He shall come in glory.


He who bled with scourging sore,

Thorns and scarlet meekly wore,

He who every sorrow bore—

He shall come in glory.


Monarch of the smitten cheek,

Scorn of Jew and scorn of Greek,

Priest and King, divinely meek—

He shall come in glory.


He who died to set us free,

He who lives and loves even me,

He who comes whom I shall see, Jesus only—only He—

He shall reign in glory!



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Here is a poem that I happened to find years ago published in the Sword of the Lord.

I had this printed on cards and would hand it out to anyone with a small child.  

They Ask So Little

Take time to laugh and sing,

And play and cuddle them a bit,

Tell them a story now and then

And steal a little time to sit.

And listen to their childish talk

Or take them for a little walk.

Take time to hear their prayers at night,

to really cherish and enjoy.

A little girl with flaxen curls

And the small wonder of a boy.

They ask so little when they’re small,

Just love and tenderness, that’s all.


Edited by HA Melton
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