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My husband is worried about not having eternal security. He heard that one can be born again, but still die spiritually from starving, by not going from the milk to the meat of the word and I guess continuing with God. Also he heard that when it talks about us having eternal life in the Bible, it means Jesus, but that He's walking with us but we can choose to turn away and jump out of His hand. My husband is very upset and it's upsetting me and making me nervous, too. I think this stuff is hurting his faith, please help... I'm having a panic attack.. 

its hard for me to explain all the stuff he heard, but it's worrying him very much. I'm not as knowledgeable as i should be, please someone help me out. 

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6 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

Roselove, would he be willing to come onto the forum and have a private discussion with one of the men? 

He found some things that helped, he's stable at the moment, but i will ask him. 

We had a bit of a anxiety attack, ill talk to him and see if he needs further help. 

Thank you


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I'm glad things are ok. It is so hard when false doctrine is introduced and causes us doubts. Many people have been hurt badly by it. 

Just remember that if he needs to talk to someone, I'm sure (and here I am volunteering the men LOL) Jim, Dave, OFP, Uke, or one of the other men would be glad to chat with him. I know my husband would, too, via my pm (he doesn't have an account).

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1 minute ago, HappyChristian said:

I'm glad things are ok. It is so hard when false doctrine is introduced and causes us doubts. Many people have been hurt badly by it. 

Just remember that if he needs to talk to someone, I'm sure (and here I am volunteering the men LOL) Jim, Dave, OFP, Uke, or one of the other men would be glad to chat with him. I know my husband would, too, via my pm (he doesn't have an account).

Thank you, so much! It is indeed, a struggle. I will definitely let you all know if my husband or myself, have any concerns in the future! We both are a bit anxious and obsessive, by nature, so we tend to get led off track, easily. We are working on that, though! Trying to learn how to utilize the strength and understanding that God gives, instead of people or our own minds. It's very hard, sometimes. We definitely need prayers. <3 

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