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The Blood Verse


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I had heard a family member, maybe my Mom, mention this a time or two but had forgotten it. I was at my sister's house today and she was showing me my Grandpa Webb's old wallet. In the wallet, along with his driver's license and such, is a small piece of paper with Ezekiel 16:6 written in pencil.. My Grandpa believed that, by reading this verse, he could stop a person from bleeding. I know the verse has nothing to do with that but, I just thought it was interesting. But I'm thinking "Pa, if it had that much "mojo" why didn't you at least memorize it?"

And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said
unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou
wast in thy blood, Live.” Ezekiel 16:6 http://www.appalachianhistory.net/2008/03/blood-verse.html 


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