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My Place Here

weary warrior

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When I joined this forum a couple of years ago, I was in a bad place where I just needed some fellowship. I have come to really like and respect some of the regulars on here. I'm not leaving the forum, I don't want to leave, but I believe I'm gonna make some changes.

For the most part, if I and Alan, No Nicolaitans, Jim_Alaska, DaveW, Pastor Markle and some others wrote out our individual doctrinal beliefs, we would be in agreement on all things important. If we visited each others houses and observed the daily lives of the individual families, observed the music and movies each consumed, and preached to each other for a while, we would have sweet fellowship. I believe that. But when it come to doctrinal discussions on here, things go awry. Especially for me. The things that I see as important and worth focusing on, the people I see as real opposed those who are charlatans, the focus of who I am and what God has gifted me to do (however unpleasant that may be), these do not seem to be in step and in sync with the Biblical discussion side of Online Baptist.

So, I'm pulling back to the fellowship side. Just wanted you fellas that matter to me to know I'm not mad or offended,and I haven't left. I just have no more use for what is on the menu on the other side of the table. It just frustrates me and makes me mad, and I gotta pick my battles.

I hope this makes some sort of sense ...


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Perhaps I'm at a bad place right now, but I'm at a point where I get a kick out of some of these folks. It's kind of like comedic relief. I never claim that I'm right about things, and perhaps I'm setting a bad example...but I tend to either blow my top or handle things with humor. With all that's going on in my family right now, I'm glad I'm going for the humor side.

I think I'm about to bow out of the "Were men born again before Pentecost" thread though. I don't debate, but I'm getting drawn into it...best just to leave.

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