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I looked for memory, above all.  I participate in many forums online, so I have to have several tabs open simultaneously. (16 at present)  As well, i also looked for a tablet that could assist in producing videos from home.  The iPad seemed to be the best choice to fit those needs.

What size memory works best?

Eventually I plan to get a tablet, and perhaps a new cell phone too. I want a tablet that can handle whatever I end up wanting to do with it.

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The iPad 2 uses Flash Memory for storage.  I went with 32gb to meet my needs.  Next year, i may invest in a 64gb model.  Have not decided yet.

I dropped this one about three years ago in the bank parking lot.  One side of the screen broke when it hit the asphault, causing a crack in the field of view.  But despite the crack, the tablet still works perfectly.


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AMEN FOR THAT. MY PROBLEM IS i don't have good signal where i live so my kindle and smart phone didnt work good there, neither does my basic phone so i am concerned whether anything else will either.. i have great signal where i am now. i can see the tower from here... yahoo

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AMEN FOR THAT. MY PROBLEM IS i don't have good signal where i live so my kindle and smart phone didnt work good there, neither does my basic phone so i am concerned whether anything else will either.. i have great signal where i am now. i can see the tower from here... yahoo

Without a good signal, no device will work well or properly.

I'm in the middle of nowhere but get good signals. The only time there is a problem with signals is down in the hollers or back in the deep boondocks.

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thank you

you all out there, how should a person pick a tablet, what should they look for?


Sister , my brother lives in the mountains and had the same problem ,he has a device that he bought that fixed his problems, he's in flight to Alaska right now and as soon as I can reach him I'll get the info for you.

Hope to help you soon Sister

God Bless


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yes it is.. i think its ridiculous

Got in touch with my brother , he says the device is a waste of money ,you have to buy it from AT&T the device is called a mini tower it cost $300.00 plus install fees , you will have to have AT&Ts service plus they will bill you extra for using the mini tower. And if there are others close that pick up on the tower your data usage will increase . He sold his and bought a antenna that plugs into his device he says there are different signal strengths you can get and the cost varies ,the one he uses cost $45.00 and it works as good as the AT&T Mini tower.I have a couple computer Tec websites I use to buy parts from I'm going to contact them a see about getting info on antennas, strengths, specs, cost, etc. Be back soon.

God bless

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