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Video or Audio Messages?

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You can do it or much less $ than that.  If you have audio output on a cassette  you can use a suitable cable and plug it directly into the  mic socket on a PC or laptop.   You can then use the PC to write a CD.  Cost, probably less that $10 for a cable.

For better quality you can get a gizmo similar to what I use for church recordings.  Mine is called Citronics and plugs into your USB socket, cost less than $60. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Citronic-Phono-to-USB-Audio-Capturing-SoundCard-USB-Digital-Converter-/151273677684?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item23389d2374  They cost about £39 in audio shops over here.

If you want to edit the recordings I suggest a free download of Audacity.  http://web.audacityteam.org/  This a full featured program and many churches over here use it.

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You can do it or much less $ than that.  If you have audio output on a cassette  you can use a suitable cable and plug it directly into the  mic socket on a PC or laptop.   You can then use the PC to write a CD.  Cost, probably less that $10 for a cable.

For better quality you can get a gizmo similar to what I use for church recordings.  Mine is called Citronics and plugs into your USB socket, cost less than $60. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Citronic-Phono-to-USB-Audio-Capturing-SoundCard-USB-Digital-Converter-/151273677684?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item23389d2374  They cost about £39 in audio shops over here.

If you want to edit the recordings I suggest a free download of Audacity.  http://web.audacityteam.org/  This a full featured program and many churches over here use it.

thanks for the info brother ,I've heard of Audacity but have not checked into it ,checking it out,

God bless brother

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Bro. Smith and Brethren,

Thank you for letting us know about the cassette tapes. If somebody could help Bro. Smith get those onto CD tapes I am sure it would be a blessing.

About a year after I was saved I heard about Oliver B. Greene (around 1973). I ordered his books and with an open Bible God taught me the scriptures. Bro. Greene was a wonderful man of God and he is shouting up in glory as we speak.

Bro. Greene is one of the few men I would encourage every one on OnLine Baptist to get a hold of every commentary he wrote and every set of messages that he wrote and listen with an open Bible. I believe that God will give you some godly teaching and counsel.


Brother the Gospel Hour is ran by brother Greens son today they have a website that airs brother Oliver's radio programs and provides some of his commentaries and books. It's a blessing that his son has continued to air these programs , it my hopes that I can put this tapes on cd to freely share the word of God taught by a wonderful man of God with the desire and hunger in his heart to stay upon the path that God put him on not once swaying from that path,till God called him home. Thank you brother for this post encouraging all to lay hold of everything brother Green wrote whom was truly a wonderful man of God.Amen

God bless Brother

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