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Prayer Walking


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At the weekend we visited a relative who is planning to train for ministry in his Baptist Church. It is a very liberal church with a woman minister, and is part of the ecumenical movement.  He doesn't agree with either, they live in a very small village and cannot afford to travel out of the village and the only alternative is the C of E. which is even worse.  They sometimes have to rely on food banks and from time to time I have sent hem a gift to help with their food bill.  Not a great amount as we are on a fairly small pension.  He does listen to me and I recently warned him that some links he put on his face book page were unscriptural.  He thanked me for the advice and stopped posting them.

One thing he said when I visited him and his family, was that he does prayer walking.  When I asked what that involved he said they walk along streets, in twos,  praying for the street   I felt somewhat uneasy about this as I know some charismatics do this.  They also use it to pray against "territorial spirits"

My advice will probably be that I am not for it because 1).  It is not found in the scripture and 2). there is no need as you can pray just as effectively at home.    I will probably add that is likely to be more useful if you were to be leafleting a street, or doing door to door.

Any advice or thoughts please.

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I've only known of Charismatics who pray to bind or fight against "territorial spirits".

I've known of some Baptists, and other Christians, who will take walks in some areas and pray regarding things specific to the area they are walking in. These would be more "normal" prayers (not trying to bind spirits) such as praying for the Johnson's as they walk by their house, or praying for a church in the neighborhood, praying about a business, etc.

I've also known folks who use their daily walking times as times of prayer. I've done a bit of that but I usually can't keep my mind focused very well for prayer while I'm walking about.

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