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Russia's Putin Says Cold War 'victors' Want To Reshape World


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Russia's Putin says Cold War 'victors' want to reshape world

LAURA Russia Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:39am EDT


(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized on Friday what he called the United States' "unilateral diktat" in glOBal affairs and said the "so-called" winners of the Cold War wanted a new world order that suited only them.

In a speech fiercely critical of the United States, Putin told an informal group of political scholars known as the Valdai Club that the glOBal and regional security system had been weakened.

Underlining that Russia was a strong state more than two decades after the end of the Cold War, Putin said Moscow would not "beg" in response to the sanctions imposed on it by the United States and the European Union over the crisis in Ukraine.

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I read the article and I found it very interesting (though not surprising) that the way it and all articles written about Putin or Russia are written with the idea that Putin and Russia are acting irrationally . . . . hardly the case.

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Indeed, if one were to take note of what Putin has been doing and for what reasons, and compare that to a similar American scenario, it's clear that he's taking the right course of action for Russia and is much more sane than his detractors.


Putin is the Reagan of Russia. Just as Reagan took office at a time when America was feeling beaten down and depressed, so did Putin. Just as Reagan chose to adopt some "best for America" policies, so has Putin. Just as Reagan stood against her enemies even when facing much criticism from around the world for being too aggressive, too violent, too pro-American, and thus won great respect and popularity among many Americans, Putin has done the same in Russia.


President Bush the First wasn't just using flowery language when he said he wanted to create a New World Order, he was speaking the truth publically. Each American president since then has continued toward that goal.


Just like for a traditional American, such isn't viewed with favor by a traditionalist Russian either.


Most Americans have been so dumbed down, and kept ignorant about history and world events, they simply follow the bouncing ball at the bottom of the screen telling them what to believe.


Real thought on the matter brings one to a much different conclusion that the NWO leadership would have us to believe.

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