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Ever notice how the so-called freedom and liberty loving "democracies" are not only supportive of but often work for the independence and separation of peoples around the world from those countries they are in...except when it comes to the people within their own borders?


Did anyone hear the hysterics on the news over the vote in Scotland regarding independence from the United Kingdom? Government leaders, corporate leaders and political hacks around the world actually went so far as to declare if Scotland leaves the United Kingdom the world economy will buckle, the safety of the world will be in question, radical Islam will be able to advance unchecked, Russia will suddenly be a great danger, the EU and NATO might not survive...




Using fear to OBtain compliance...isn't that what most of these leaders continually accuse dictators and leaders of countries they don't like of doing?


So much double talk! So much "do as I say, not as I do"!

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Whichever way the vote goes, I just wish the whole thing could have been carried out decently, without all the hyperbole and the hypocrisy.


They won't let us vote over such things. However, it's very likely in the not too distant future when Mexicans dominate some States in the American Southwest there will be a vote for leaving the US whether the US government agrees or not.

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